www.depression-understood.org | |||||||||||||
Main Chat Rooms > Connection Troubleshooting ThreeStep ThreeWe are sorry that we have been unable to resolve your connection problems up to this point. This final step will link you to an external site (searchirc.com) that will also attempt to connect you to our "Main Room". Searchirc.com will list this chat room by its name. Please click on this rooms' name as highlighted in blue in the example below for the room "depressionunderstood". If the specific chat room you are looking for does not appear then please type the chat rooms' name in the search box within the seachirc.com website (please note the server our rooms are based upon is called "Quakenet"). If this final step fails to resolve your connection problems then please Contact Us explaining exactly what has occurred, and we will endeavour to find an alternative way in which you can access our chat rooms. [< Back]