www.depression-understood.org | ||||||||||||||
Depression Media Gallery & Depression Blogs Quick Access: Media Gallery | BlogsDepression Media GalleryAs the name suggests, this section of the site is mainly dedicated to images of various natures; the media gallery does however also allow you to share any music, short movies or spoken messages you might have created, or that you may produce in the future. The gallery is split into several sections in order to make items easy to find. To upload a file you need to register within the gallery and agree to the terms and conditions. Please note: if have already registered with one of the forums, you do also need to register separately with the gallery. The media gallery includes the ability to upload/download the following file extensions: jpg, gif, png, aif, au, avi, mid, mov, mp3, mpg, wav, ra, rm. Naturally we insist that you only submit appropriate and suitable files that are not subjected to any copyright restrictions (Click Here to view the full list of terms and conditions). Anyone found abusing our trust will be banned from this website immediately, and, further measures will be taken against anyone posting illegal material. If you would like to suggest additional section(s) to be considered for inclusion in the gallery, would like to run your own subcategory, or experience any technical difficulties, please Contact Us detailing how we may assist you. We recommend that you do not download any files until we have validated their content. Downloading any files that have not been validated by the board administrators is entirely at your own risk. Enter Gallery Depression BlogsWhat is a blog? ? Short for Web log, a blog is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, a blog often reflects the personality of the author. Being a blogger is a fast and efficient way of expressing yourself to a world wide audience. This site hosts blogs that are based around depression and other related heath issues. Once in the blog section of this website, you will see the various blogs listed at the top of your screen. Click on the individual blog names to read a particular journal. To exit the blogs please use the main website navigation panel which is included in the blog "Home Page". If you would like to apply to write your own fully customisable blog, please Click Here. Page Last Modified: 19th January 2009 |