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Depression Contact Information for Glasgow

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Please scroll through the contact details below to find the most appropriate service. Alternatively dial 999.

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Glasgow Association for Mental Health.

  • Phone numbers:  0141 552 5592 / Fax: 0141 552 6625.
  • Address:  St Andrew's by the Green, 33 Turnbull Street, Glasgow, G1 5PR.
  • Website:  http://www.gamh.org.uk / Email: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Organisation concerned with the health and social welfare of people with mental health problems and their carers in Glasgow.


Glasgow Darnley Street Family Centre.

  • Phone number:  0141 424 3920.
  • Address:  Unknown.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Crisis Services.

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  • Phone number:  0808 8011315.
  • Address:  Millburn Centre, 221 Millburn Street, Roystonhill, Glasgow, G21 2HL.
  • Website: http://www.lifelink.org.uk / Email: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: LifeLink provides free support and advice to people in crisis and self harming or at risk of suicide. We give the support you need, when you need it. We do not offer any easy solutions; however, we do listen and have helped many people find new ways to cope.

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Oor Voices: Raising Mental Health Issues Through Performance.

  • Phone number:  0870 011 9769.
  • Address:  No address, Gorbals, Glasgow.
  • Website: Email: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: A Community Theatre Company, based in the Gorbals, Glasgow. The members live with, or have lived with, Mental Health issues; or else they are carers. Performances highlight mental illness and stigma, and other issues of prejudice and discrimination.


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