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Information Centre > Contact Numbers > U.K. > Scotland > National

Contact Phone Numbers and Address for the Whole of Scotland

The drop down menu is categorised by type of contact details (for example,  abuse, depression). It enables you to find emergency and useful contact details for a particular issue/health concern in Scotland.

Alternatively you can refer to the list of  Regional Numbers recorded on this website for Scotland. This section is divided into specific locations (for example, Glasgow).


   Alternatively view Regional Numbers.

To view a text-only version of the drop down menu Click Here.

Further Information:

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for please dial directory enquiries, or dial 999 if you � or someone you are look up this information for � is in need of immediate assistance.

Add a Contact Number and/or Address

If you would like to add a phone number and/or address to our database please Click Here.

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