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Depression Contact Information for Warwickshire

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Please scroll through the contact details below to find the most appropriate service. Alternatively dial 999.

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Solace Helpline.

  • Phone number: 01926 339 698.
  • Address: Park House, 17 Avenue Road, Leamington Spa CV31 3PG.
  • Website/ Email: www.solacehelp.org.uk  / [email protected].
  • Opening hours: 7pm-7am every day.
  • Details: The Solace helpline provides telephone support to people suffering from all forms of mental illness in the community.


Warwickshire Social Services Department - Emergency Service.

  • Phone number: 01926 886 922.
  • Address: The Cottage, Arden Hill, 57 South Street, Atherstone CV9 1DZ.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 5.30pm-9am and at weekends from Friday 5pm-Monday 9am.
  • Details: The social services department provides an emergency social work service at nights, weekends and on all public and local authority holidays. Staff are trained to deal with emergencies when normal support services are not available.

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