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Pregnancy / Adoptions / Post Natal
Information for Pregnancy / Adoptions / Post Natal for the Whole of the United
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Name of
Contact: Association for Post Natal Illness.
- Phone number: 020 7386 0868.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: / Email:
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: To advise and support women suffering
from post natal illness. Running a network of volunteers to support sufferers
throughout the UK.
Name of
Contact: British Pregnancy Advisory Service.
- Phone number: 01564 793225.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Crisis Helpline.
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Name of
Talk Adoption.
- Phone number: 0808 8081234.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Helps those involved in adoption.
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Name of
Family Planning Association.
- Phone number: 020 7837 4044.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Crisis Helpline.
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Name of
Meet A Mum Association: (MAMA).
- Phone number: 0845 120 6162.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: / Email:
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: To support mothers and mothers to be by
putting them in touch with other mothers living nearby. Also provide one to
one support and social activities.
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