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Depression / Mental Health
Information for Depression / Mental Health for the Whole of the United Kingdom
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Name of
Contact: Aware Defeat Depression.
- Phone number:
08451 202961.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: Email:
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Support, information or a listening ear
for all those affected by depressive illnesses.
Name of
Contact: The British Association For Counselling.
- Phone number: 01788 550899.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Crisis Helpline.
Name of
- Phone number: 0845 123 2320.
- Address: N/A.
- Website/Email
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Confidential listening and support
service. Also offer a range of information on depression and treatment
options. National network of self help groups for people experiencing
depression. National pen friend scheme offering support and fellowship to
people with depression and their carers. Quarterly newsletter, booklets and
leaflets on depression.
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Name of
Contact: Depression Support Group Association (London based).
- Phone number: 020 7328 8391.
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Helping people whose lives have been
distorted by insecurity, loneliness, shyness, unsatisfactory relationships to
find alternatives to depression. Groups in
London convened by
professional counsellors/psychotherapists. Meet in a friendly, sociable
environment and offer members route to a more fulfilling life, develop self
esteem and confidence and learn how their emotional needs can be met more
fully. Fee �15 per week, concessions students/unemployed. Also run Shyness &
Social Anxiety Programme and Personal Relationships programme, Men's Group to
strengthen men's sense of themselves. Also individual therapy.
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Name of
Fellowship of Depressives Anonymous (FDA).
- Phone number: 01702 433838.
- Address: Self Help
Nottingham, Ormiston House,
32-36 Pelham Street, Nottingham NG1 2EG UK.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Wide self help organisation made up of
individual members and groups which meet locally on a regular basis for mutual
support. �10 yearly membership (reductions for those who cannot afford that
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Name of
Contact: Manic Depression Fellowship.
- Phone number: 0845 634 0540.
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
www.mdf.org.uk / Email
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Advice and information for people with
manic depression and their families, carers and mental health professionals.
Supply a range of information leaflets, books and tapes. Network of self help
groups for people with manic depression, relatives and friends. Self
management training programme.
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Name of
Contact: Mind.
- Phone number: 08457 660 163 / charged at local
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
- Opening hours: open Monday to Friday
9.15am to 5.15pm.
- Details For info on mental health issues and
treatments. Mind Infoline is their confidential telephone helpline, giving
support to anyone worried about their own or others' mental health problems.
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Name of
Contact: NHS Online Depression.
- Phone number: 0845 46 47 / charged at local rates.
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
http://cebmh.warne.ox.ac.uk/cebmh/ .
- Opening hours: Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- Details: Part of the NHS Direct Online website,
offering a practical guide to depression. NHS Direct also run a nurse-led
telephone helpline, giving confidential healthcare advice and info.
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Name of
Contact: Premier Lifeline.
- Phone number: 0845 345 0707.
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
www.premier.org.uk/lifeline / Email
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Christian run helpline offering
information and a listening ear to the general public on a range of emotional
and spiritual issues.
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Name of
College of Psychiatrists.
- Phone number: 020 7235 2351.
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Fact sheets about depression, including
causes and effects, and types of help available,
17 Belgrave Square, London
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Name of
Contact: Saneline.
- Phone number: 08457 67 80 00.
- Address: N/A.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Helpline offering information and advice
on all aspects of mental health for those experiencing illness, or their
families and friends.
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Name of
Contact: Self Help Services: (Manchester area).
- Phone number: 0161 226 5412.
- Address: N/A.
- Website:
www.selfhelpservices.org.uk / Email
[email protected].
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Run over thirty support groups for people
with mental health problems or are in need of emotional support, including
groups relating to depression.
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Name of
Contact: Stress Anxiety Depression.
- Phone number: Sorry, service is no longer available. (Updated Aug 2018).
- Address: N/A.
- Website: N/A.
- Opening hours: N/A.
- Details: Confidential Helpline Advice,
information on self help strategies, relaxation, exercise, nutrition,
cognitive therapy etc.
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