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Information Centre > Contact Numbers > U.K. > National > Abuse

Contact Information for Abuse for the Whole of the United Kingdom

Please scroll through the contact details below to find the most appropriate service. Alternatively call directory enquiries and in the case of an emergency dial 999.

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Name of Contact: Accord Catholic Mediation Counselling.

  • Phone number: 028 9023 3002.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.


Name of Contact: Action Against Abuse of Women and Girls.

  • Phone number: 01243 785948.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.


Name of Contact: Anti Bullying Campaign.

  • Phone number: 020 7378 1446.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Counselling and advice.

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Name of Contact: Careline.

  • Phone number: 0181 514 1177.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Childline.

  • Phone number: 0800 1111.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC).

  • Phone number: 020 7692 3697.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: Email: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: The Chinese Women Domestic Violence Project at the Chinese Information & Advice Centre (CIAC) in Central London.

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Name of Contact: Christian Family Concern.

  • Phone number: 020 8688 0251.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Divorce, Mediation & Counselling Services.

  • Phone number: 020 7730 2422.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Everyman Project.

  • Phone number: 020 7737 6747.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Counselling, support and advice to men who are violent or concerned about their violence, and anyone affected by that violence.

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Name of Contact: Families Anonymous.

  • Phone number: 0800 735 0671.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Family Service Units.

  • Phone number: 020 7428 5405.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Freecall Message Home.

  • Phone number: 0500 700740.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Kiran - Asian Women's Aid.

  • Phone number: 020 8558 1986.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Advice, support, refuge for Asian women, and women from other cultures e.g. Turkey, Iran, Morocco, Malaysia etc.

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Name of Contact: man2man.

  • Phone number: 0208 698 9649.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Help Line for male victims only, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Emergencies only after 10 pm.

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Name of Contact: Men's Advice Line and Enquiries.

  • Phone numbers: 020 8 644 9914 / 0800 018 5026.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Open from 9am to 10pm, Monday and Wednesday (answer-phone at other times). Both numbers operate Mon-Fri 9.15 to 5.15.
  • Details: Information, support and advice to men experiencing domestic violence. Local projects for men are available in some areas.

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Name of Contact: National Council for One Parent Families.

  • Phone number: 020 7 428 5400.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: - Runs an information service for lone parents, other organizations, local authorities and the media

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Name of Contact: National Domestic Violence Helpline.

  • Phone number: 08457 023468.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre.

  • Phone number: 0208 6833300.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: NSPCC.

  • Phone number: 0800 800500.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Free, confidential service for anyone concerned about children at risk offers counselling, information and advice.

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Name of Contact: Panahghar.

  • Phone number: 01203 228952.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Help for Asian women experiencing Domestic Violence.

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Name of Contact: The Pink Practice.

  • Phone number: 07005 968 111.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours Lines open Mon-Thur 9am-7pm.
  • Details: A counselling and psychotherapy practice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Leeds and London.

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Name of Contact: Rape/Indecent Assault Crisis Counselling.

  • Phone number: 0800 735 0567.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Refuge�s 24-hour National Crisis Line.

  • Phone number: 0990 995 443.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: National crisis line, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Details: Provides advice and support to those experiencing domestic violence and refers women and children on to the 250 refuges nationwide.

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Name of Contact: Relate.

  • Phone numbers: 01788 573241 / 0870 6012121.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: 112 local Relate centres provide couple counselling for those with relationship problems, and psychosexual therapy, and relationship and family education.

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Name of Contact: Samaritans.

  • Phone number: 08457 909090.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: E-mail: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Support Line Telephone Helpline.

  • Phone number: 020 8554 9004.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: ) Email [email protected].
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Confidential emotional support to Children Young People and Adults. Also keeps details of agencies, support groups and counsellors throughout UK.

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Name of Contact: Shelterline.

  • Phone number: 0808 800 4444.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Survivors (Swindon).

  • Phone number: 01793 878316.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Answer-phone messages are returned as soon as possible.
  • Details: Telephone helpline for adult (17+) male survivors of child sexual abuse and adult rape.

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Name of Contact: The Muslim Women's Helpline.

  • Phone numbers: 0181 9048193 / 0181 9086715.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Victim Support Line.

  • Phone number: 0845 30 30 900.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Nationwide lo-call service, 9am�9pm Mon�Fri, 9am�7pm weekends and bank holidays from 9am�5pm.
  • Details: Provides information and support to victims of all reported and unreported crime, including sexual crimes, racial harassment and domestic violence.

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Name of Contact: Victim Support's Male Helpline.

  • Phone number: 0800 328 3623.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: 12 noon to 2 pm, Mon to Fri.
  • Details: - Freephone number for men.

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Name of Contact: Women's Aid for help in finding local support.

  • Phone number: 0345 023468.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Women�s Aid National Domestic Violence Helpline.

  • Phone number: 0345 023 468.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Nationwide, 10am�5pm Mon�Fri, also weekends from July 1999.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Women's Aid National Helpline.

  • Phone number: 0131 475 2372.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Women's Refuge.

  • Phone number: 0800 735 6836.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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Name of Contact: Women with Learning Disabilities.

  • Phone number: 0181 522 0675.
  • Address: N/A.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: N/A.
  • Details: Abuse Helpline.

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