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> Sussex
Depression Contact Information
for Sussex
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Chichester Home Treatment Team - Intensive Community Support.
Phone numbers:
01243 791 909 / fax:
01243 791 908.
Centurion Treatment Team,
Graylingwell Drive, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 6GS.
Website: N/A.
Opening hours:
5.20pm-8.40am and at weekends from Friday 4pm-Monday 8.40am, also open over
bank holidays.
This team will accept work
with clients who have had a hospital admission with a referral from a
consultant psychiatrist. They offer a 24-hour crisis intervention service with
the aim of facilitating early discharge and prevention of admission through
use of a variety of therapeutic interventions, for example, solution-focussed
therapy, psychosocial interventions.
Mental HealthLine.
Phone number:
0845 300 2727.
West Sussex Health and
Social Care NHS Trust, Swandean, Arundel Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3EP.
Website: N/A.
Opening hours:
24 hours every day.
Offers support to people
during periods of crisis and can link people up to other mental health
services. Also open to relatives, carers and professionals.
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Mental Health Helpline.
Phone numbers:
helpline: 0808 808
3333 / Asian line: 0808 800 2073.
St Richard's Community
Centre, Egmont Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 7FP.
Website: N/A.
Opening hours:
Monday-Thursday 7-11pm and at the weekend / Asian line: Monday and Wednesday
Telephone helpline for
people with mental health problems, their families and professionals.
The Asian helpline
offers a service in Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi and Gujarati. Area covered is Kent,
East Sussex and Bexley.
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