Information Centre > Contact Numbers >
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> Leicestershire
Depression Contact Information
for Leicestershire
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Please scroll through the
contact details below to find the most appropriate
service. Alternatively dial 999.
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Cornwall Social Services
Out of Hours Service.
Phone number:
0800 027 2127.
Website: N/A.
Opening hours:
from 5pm-1am every
A telephone support service
for anyone affected by mental health issues and their carers. Urdu and
Gujarati can be made available.
Leicestershire Social
Services Out of Hours Emergency Team.
Phone number:
0116 255 1606.
Website: N/A.
Opening hours:
5pm-8.30am and at weekends from Friday 4.30pm-Monday 8.30am, also open over
bank holidays.
The out of hours service
has access to approved social workers who are there to advise on any mental
health emergencies. In the unlikely event that you are unable to contact
social services you can go to the nearest hospital accident and emergency and
ask to see the duty psychiatrist.
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