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Cambridge |  Huntingdon |  Peterborough  

Depression Contact Information for Cambridgeshire

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Please scroll through the contact details or click on the links above to find the most appropriate service. Alternatively dial 999.

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Cambridge Accident and Emergency Department.

  • Phone number: 01223 217 118.
  • Address: Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Road Cambridge.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: 24 hours every day.
  • Details: Provides medical treatment, though they will call a psychiatrist if necessary in an emergency (for example, if someone has taken an overdose).


Cambridge Emergency Duty Team.

  • Phone number: 01733 561 370.
  • Address: Unknown.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Monday-Friday 5pm-8.45am and at weekends from Friday 4pm-Monday 8.35am, also open over bank holidays.
  • Details: Crisis helpline.

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Huntingdon Accident and Emergency Department - Hinchingbrooke Healthcare NHS Trust.

  • Phone number: 01480 416 416.
  • Address: Hinchingbrooke Park, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 6NT.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: 24 hours every day.
  • Details: The hospital deals primarily with medical treatment.

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Huntingdonshire Emergency Duty Team.

  • Phone number: 01733 561 370.
  • Address: Unknown.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Monday-Friday 5.20pm-8.45am and at weekends from Friday 4.25pm-Monday 8.45am, also open over bank holidays.
  • Details: Crisis helpline.

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  • Phone number: 01223 521 521.
  • Address: The Bath House, Gwydir Street, Cambridge CB1 2LW.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: 7-11pm every day.
  • Details: Provides information to callers on the availability of local mental health services.

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Peterborough Accident and Emergency Department - Peterborough District Hospital.

  • Phone number: 01733 874 000.
  • Address: Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6DA.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: 24 hours every day.
  • Details: Deals primarily with medical treatment, though staff will call a psychiatrist in the event of a mental health emergency (for example, after someone has taken an overdose).

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Peterborough Emergency Duty Team.

  • Phone number: 01733 561 370.
  • Address: Unknown.
  • Website: N/A.
  • Opening hours: Monday-Friday 5.20pm-8.45am and at weekends from Friday 4.25pm-Monday 8.45am, also open over bank holidays.
  • Details: Crisis services.

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Peterborough NHS Walk-In Centre.

  • Phone number: 01753 633 000.
  • Address: 5 Midgate, Peterborough PE1 1TN.
  • Website: email: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: 7am-10pm every day.
  • Details: Offers crisis services.

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