Welbutrin and effexor

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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Welbutrin and effexor

Postby sara3 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:04 am

My doctor just put me on both of these meds. 375mg of effexor and 150 of welbutrin. Does anyone else take a combination of these meds. Just wanting to compare notes. Thanks.

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Postby hey-its-ok » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:47 am

Hi Sara, looks like nobody here on this forum has this combination of meds, i have a book on these meds, if you want to know the side effects or other info on the drugs, i can type it out and post it on this forum for you, but the information i have here are only for individual drugs, not on the combination of the two drugs as you mentioned in your post. Let me know if you want these information. The headers for these drug in my book are:

1. why is this drug prescribed
2. most important fact about this drug
3. how you should take this medication.
4. what side effects may occur
5. why should this drug NOT be prescribed.
6. special warnings about this medication
7. possible food and drug interactions when taking this medication.
8. special information if you are pregnent or breast feeding.

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Hi Sara re:Wellbutrin/Effexor

Postby claynstone » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:06 am

Hi sara. The drugs you are taking have helped a great many women both alone and in combination. Both have a mood elavating effect and neither is known for damping the libido. It's not recommended to stop either abruptly but especially effexor. The dosage you are at is real close to the most effective dose possible so you should be feeling better than you were when the meds were prescribed.

I'm assuming you were really down and relatively disinterested in life as the rest of the world knows it. In which case you should be feeling well enough to consider discussing your issues with your therapists. I found both very helpful but being male I developed side effects that made continued use of effexor problematic.

My blood pressure and other physical aspects of my circulatory system made the use of Welbutrin difficult as well, but you are unlikely to experience either of these issues. All I know is that it took years to find other meds that were as effective for me. The best of luck with the combo.

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