How Are You Feeling?

Everyday life. How was your day?

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How Are You Feeling?

Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:35 pm

I wondered if maybe it wouldn't be a good idea if there were one thread/topic where we all could post how we feel.

I know we can all post in separate topics, but ah.... it's sort of lonely having a topic all unto myself for the most part.

I thought maybe it would promote a togetherness of sorts on the forum & also a "we are in a similar boat" feeling...


How I Feel (HIF): a bit down... I may try to get up & take my natural lithium & b stress tablets... I dah know....

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:19 pm

How do I feel? Well, I've been back at work for four days after being off work with my head injury. It's gone quite well, but it's been a bit of an adjustment after being off for a month. I'm still tiring more easily than usual, and I'm off the painkillers, so I still have a bit of a residual headache at times. As so often when I'm feeling physically at a low ebb, I can feel my anxiety and depression lurking at the corners of my mind and trying to reassert themselves.
So, to boost my spirits, and keep my anxiety and depression in their place, I've come to the library to see what's going on on this site. ( Good idea about a thread like this (((( crystalgaze )))) I was feeling a bit " out of things " myself this evening. )
Still, I'm looking on the bright side of things as much as possible, even if I do still have to work at this! I passed a DVD shop today that had a sale on, three DVDs for £10, so I bought three. ( I'm a cheap geek, but at least I'm honest about it. Don't I get any points for that?! ) So, when I go home, I can look forward to the second X-Files film, and gazing longingly ay Dana Scully/ Gillian Anderson. ( Both of whom are secretly Welsh...Of course...Really...) And we've even had a bit of sunshine today!!!! ( Perhaps you have to be Welsh to get so excited about sunshine! )
Actually, I have a suspicion that the whole of the UK needs cheering up! The BBC keeps repeating a story about Greece having an even larger budget deficit than Britain! Which perhaps is meant to make people feel more optimistic about our economy?
And, one of my colleagues bought some creamcakes and jam doughnuts from the local supermarket, and very kindly shared them with us in our office. Which was a nice thought of his.
And the world is still full of good possibilties.
PS. Did I mention we had SOME SUNSHINE today?! Sorry, but it is a big deal in South Wales. Last time the sun shone in South Wales in February it was 1949, and 3,400 people called the police to report a " strange light in the sky. " ( Okay, i made that last sentence up, but you get the idea! 0
Be well all!

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KEN HIF,,,,7,17PM ,,,,,,,,,,,,THURSDAY,,

Postby xn728 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:16 pm

i like this idea (((((onika))))),,i hope it does we,ll
ok how do i feel today ,,i dont feel as sick as i did ,,and depression wise i dont feel to bad because im happy im not feeling sick ,,,thanks onika ,,,
hugs love ken xxxx

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Postby Mel234 » Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:07 am

I'll give this a try.

Right now, I'm feeling just really terrible, I have no motivation to attend classes, I just want to lay in bed all day and cry. I have noone I can talk with. I try and I just feel ignored and that hurts. I've been getting alot of anxiety about just doing simple things like going to the dining area to eat with my friends. I feel like I'm taking one step forward then five steps back.
I'm just feeling really down and not myself at all lately.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:48 am

(((((((((((( Mel )))))))))))))))))))))))

Hugs to you! I, too, felt the same way you feel about the dining area.

Dinner was always a hard experience for me. Shoot... Now that I think about it. Being in the cafe for ANY meal was tough....

Is there something you can take with you to make the trip feel less stressful?

I don't remember how these things work exactly.

Read a book or pretend to read a book while standing on line?
Listen to music? If you like puzzles, can you take your circle-a-word/jumble/sudoku book with you? Archie comics? (Ok... Maybe the last 1 was too far gone.... :lol: )

These are just some thoughts for you.... Take care!

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:45 am

I was a little stressed out/annoyed/peeved/in despair.

One of the toughest things for me that almost gets me every time is when I have to do a chore--because I am almost always the ONLY one doing it & I have NO help. (My people are largely just simply unable to do so.)

I was outside this morning watering the plants. It was WORK. I used the hose for most of every thing, but then I had to carry buckets of water from 1 side of the yard to the next to water the plants over there.

To make things manageable, I only filled the bucket half way, as that's all I could lift. (I wouldn't want to pull something or overly strain myself.) I made several trips back & forth across the yard.

After that, I lugged another bucket near my Mom's car to wipe it off, as I am trying out a new strategy. (Strategy is if I wipe it off every other day or so, my job shouldn't be too overwhelming, next time I go to wash it.)

Then, I wiped off the car I mainly drive.

Next, I washed & rinsed out the buckets; my father had used them to pick up dirt for the garden....

Now after I've done all that, I see my mother outside & she says she's going down the road to get some things. She asks if I would help her do something.

Now, there was nothing wrong with her request. Honestly there wasn't. It's just you know: I keep telling her that I wish she would let me know in advance that she wants me to help her with something, so I can prepare myself mentally for the task.

After all I've done for the morning, I'm already pretty beat but must continue to move. For me to take on her projects too, it is burdensome.

If she had planned & prepared, she would not be in the boat she is in today. It is mighty unfair to me. :evil:

The thing is: She fails to prepare & plan almost ALL the time or selectively (or whatever), which is why I am not inclined to help her with any thing.

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Postby lisalou » Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:23 pm

Today I am feeling tired and low. I had a really bad nightmare last night which also woke my boyfriend up as I was screaming. Haven't done a great deal today but will try to feel proud of my meagre
accomplishments :

I went out with my boyfriend to a great little second-hand shop that's near us and got a really cool kooky little home-made bag.

I've had lots of cuddles with the cats who are being very soppy and loving these days!

I did a bit of food shopping and got some naan breads to go with the curry me and Mark are having for dinner later,yummy!

I sorted out all my shoes and gave them a bit of a clean. Realised that I have far more footwear than the same old pair of boots I have been wearing day in and day out for months! I resolve to try some new looks

Watched a couple of re-runs of Friends including the one where Ross and Rachel first got together...aah!

Been listening to a load of free cd's that I found. Yesterday I went with a friend of mine to her hospital appointment even though I really didn't feel like it. On our way back from the hospital I found a carrier bag full of about 20 cd's someone had just left out on the street as a free-for-all. Talk about good karma! Some really good music on them too!

Feel a lot better thinking about the good that HAS happened in my day. Hope everyone else is feeling ok too

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:37 pm

Hi there Lisa! So glad you would post! Those are NOT meagre accomplishments! YOU DID SO GOOD!

That's LUCKY! It's nice to have some new music!


I am hoping you will feel differently tomorrow! Just do your best, ya?

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Postby Mel234 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:35 am

I got kinda drawn back to this, it's almost 1am and I'm stuck trying to motivate myself to do some homework that's due tomorrow by 9am. All day I've been drained, sad and just lonely. I think my feelings lately are just feeling lonely, alot. I feel like I keep repeating myself over and over, I'm trying so hard to find people to talk with and it isn't working. All in all, my anxiety is getting the best of me lately and I've been crying alot too. :cry:

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:34 am

Feeling rather low and a bit alone today for some reason, rather empty, futile and sad. Partly due I suspect to an office reorganisation at work that hasn't really been thought out in detail, and will mean a bit of to-ing and fro-ing for the next couple of weeks.
Still, was off-work this afternoon and was able to relax over a nice meal in a quiet relaxing cafe. I also told a colleague at work the joke on Warmsoul's Corner about the elephant and turtle. He thought about it for a second, groaned and then told me that I'd ruined his afternoon! ( And this was about 8:30 this morning! ) I've still got it! You can't beat the old jokes!
And we're all still here, and I'm feeling in better spirits than I did first thing this morning. Like (((( Lisalou )))) focussing on the good that's happening in my day, and keeping the hope of better days.

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Postby lisalou » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:40 pm

I am feeling very ill with a cold and quite empty and worn-out. I am having two close friends over for dinner tomorrow though which I am looking forward to, and I can appreciate how many million times better I am these days to be even contemplating socialising

Tacking...I'm glad you managed to have a good afternoon and salvage something out of your day

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Postby EmmaliciouS » Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:06 pm

Feel sad, can't get a job, can't get a partner, can't get a cuddle, cat won't even come play :(
.. he always comes play :(

Bit crummy feeling & frustrated, seriously need a job, is beyond a joke.. am gonna be up the butt's of citizen's advice at this rate, keep a house going on 49 quid a week.. gimme a break, or better yet a piggin' job =/
Want's a cuddle, job and me cat come play.. in that order, pronto! :(

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Postby Mel234 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:25 pm

I think today was a okay day. I feel pretty meh right now but what's new.
I feel just really unmotivated, it's hard to even get out of bed. But I'm still trying.

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Postby shatteredhopes » Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:12 am

Well, woke up okay, but deteriorated and had big cry. Then, decided I was gunna somehow turn my day around. Forced myself to hope a bit for dream a read a bit of book I had put aside and haven't been reading lately...held off on paying phone bill til end of month or late next month so got some groceries, including a $1.39 bottle of watermelon shower gel I use as bubble bath and stopped by my mom's and got some homemade hot chocolate had a bubble bath and lotsa hot cocoa and felt a bit better. Was really disturbed by obnoxious comment I read yesterday, and blasted the dude a little bit ago (on another website) and so feeling rather empowered at the moment!

Em *hugs* I know what that feels like to want a cuddle...I take a lot of bubble baths to give me the sense of embrace and snuggle under lotsa covers wrapped tight around me for same reason...and the job thing, whew, do I relate! poverty bites, huh? I bet if you tempt the cat long enough will something dangley or move your feet under the covers enough, you'll get a reaction from the independent little one! They can only turn up their nose for so long before they just can't resist playing...

Mel *hugs* for you too. So glad to see you getting around the site and posting. We are here for you!

((((((((((((((((Mich))))))))))))))) you dog loves you, your kids and husband love you, and we do too sister.

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:08 pm

(((( Emmalicious )))) unemployment sucks big time!!!! Spent quite a lot of time on the dole myself, so you are really are doing well to keep your spirits up! Please keep trying for jobs, you never know when you might get lucky. At least the way the economy is at the moment things have to get better!!!! ( At least that's the theory......)
I still might the girl of my dreams, in which case a cuddle would be nice. However, I'm going to risk being shunned by my fellow men and women, by saying that I'm not tremendously keen on cats. They always seem to be more intelligent than I am? I agree with Winston Churchill who once said: " Cats look down on a man, dogs look up to a man, only a pig looks at a man as an equal. "
I'm feeling a bit empty and low myself, but I'm appreciating the good moments, and it helps to see that other people feel the same way, and that we are all staying afloat even so.
(((( shatteredhopes )))) you are right that it's important to keep hoping for something and dreaming a little.
(((( Everyone )))) keep the hope of better days!

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