Just Trying

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Just Trying

Postby clurr77 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:34 pm

Hi, my name is Claire.

I'm pretty new to these things - forums & expressing my deepest feelings, but I need to change something in my life. I used to ignore any mental issues in the past, because I would think they would just fade away as I reached new stages of my life. I thought I was being strong, though, now I feel like it was just laziness.

I'm at the point now where my feelings are completely overwhelming. I can't ignore them anymore, and it's scary. Every little thing is so hard to do. I've heard people say things like that before, but never fully understood it until recently. I can't think positively anymore and it absolutely guts me. Like is there really a part of my brain that's not functioning properly, and that's why I feel this way? Did I lead this on by ignoring things before?

I just don't want to feel alone anymore. For some reason I can't talk to people out loud about these feelings and that makes it even worse...I feel like I'm running out of options, which is a terrifying thought. I'm one of the last people to "put myself out there", and I'm not exactly sure how this will help yet, but I need to keep trying something.

**now that I've written this out, I feel like I'm coming in way too head on, but here we go**

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Re: Just Trying

Postby Trucker911 » Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:47 am

Hello Claire, and welcome to the forums.

You aren't alone in this, as there are many here that are struggling as well. It may not have been 'laziness' on your part about not dealing with your mental health worries early on. Chances are that it may have been more of a case of denial. "That can't be me, I'm too strong for that!". At least that's how it started for me...

One of the medical issues with depression is that it actually is a chemical imbalance in the brain. There are many schools of thought on how to 'treat' it. They can be discussed with your doctor. There are a slew of different medications that can work either singly, or in combination, but it does take trial and error to find out what works. Some folks use and believe in natural remedies as well. Physical activity, and/or counselling are another option.

The feeling of being alone, or hiding your true feeling from others is quite normal. I learned early on how to put on a 'mask' of normalcy in order to interact with others. But I also found myself withdrawing from life a little at a time, to the point now that I truly am alone (except for my dog). But in a way, it works out for me, with my chosen profession.

I hope that my reply will be a tiny bit of help for you, and that you take steps to make some positive changes in your life.

Blessings to you.

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