I need direction.

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I need direction.

Postby Koopa » Tue May 14, 2019 4:11 pm

I don't know exactly how to bring this up with my psychiatrist because I don't know exactly what it is.

I keep spacing out, and during these times I know I'm replaying bad memories in my head, but when I snap back I can't remember exactly what they were about. I have an idea, but I'm not sure. I've been trying these "grounding techniques" that someone else suggested and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I don't even know what this is called.

I see her tomorrow, I went to chat to try and get some suggestions but got in trouble for a misunderstanding. I'd really like to know how to even bring this up with my doctor. Immediately after the space out, it's like anxiety gets a kick into maximum overdrive. I almost feel like vomiting because I try to hyperventilate involuntarily too quickly out of nowhere. Everything around me is too bright and overwhelming. It's beginning to affect my ability to work.

I don't really want to spill out the details, but let's just say my last relationship was less than stellar and they didn't exactly treat me too kindly at times.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Edit: I have bipolar, and I'm on medicines that do really well, but when these spacing out things happen, right after I come out I get super depressed, I want to just break down and cry, and this only happens right after spacing out.

Regina Quirion
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Re: I need direction.

Postby Regina Quirion » Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:27 am

I can totally relate to your condition. Not, that I have experienced anything like that. But, my little sister went through a similar experience. However, in her case, nothing was working out. But, when we shifted to combination therapy using CBT, medications and animal assistance. Her condition improved drastically.

She finally was out of those sudden attacks or anxious feelings. Why don’t you try something similar or ask your therapist and see if it works for you as well.

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Re: I need direction.

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:46 pm

Good luck, by what you are saying, says that it is possible for you to overcome this. Good luck.

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