Loss of a Brave Man (possible suicide trigger)

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Loss of a Brave Man (possible suicide trigger)

Postby Monty » Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:02 am

I know that some people think that there is a lot of depression out there, and it seems like governments agree with that premise, but when it comes to putting their money where they mouths are. Don't do it.

Know that everyone is short of money, including governments. I also have friends that don't have much needed meds, because they don't have the money. A lot of them are obviously in mental distress,but many are couch surfing. They go from friend to friend, trying not to stay very long, because they might have to try again at the same house.

We had a politician from my province. He was very successful, very intelligent, many people admired him. Batters was elected for two term, then for the last term he announced that he would not be running due to having problems with depression and anxiety. Earlier he had been a very effective polician who knew right for wrong.

It was very distressing to turn on the news earlier in the week, and to learn that he had killed himself. He was a husband, son, brother, uncle and grandson. It had me in tears when he one of his collegues mentioned that he just couldn't do it.

They also had an interview from his family.

He had enough courage that he put it all on the line, just to make the disease more out there for people, to encourage them to go get help.

I think that all of the members of this forum are very courageous. There are some people that sit, and type out their stories for us to read. That is a sure sign of bravery.

We are strong on our own, but as stick together, it just makes us stronger.
Hate to use the analogy of 'as a single finger we are one but as a fist we are much stronger.

Know I went on rambling long with this one. I just had to tell someone how I felt.

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:13 am

Indeed, that was tragic.... There have been some here also & it is saddening.

I guess sadness gives way to something else.... with the something else possibly being any thing under the sun & being uncertain, yet certain at the same time....

Edit: I got back a chunk of my memory yesterday & I remembered my friend who died due to the same thing. I identify with him a lot, especially now because we were both going to college in the Midwest, where being out there was not good for us somehow (nothing against any one from there).

He died & I attempted but lived.... He was just about to finish his Master's degree; every thing looked so promising & then that's when misfortune struck. He had the same name as my brother & I felt very attached to him for some reason (maybe 'cause we had class together a lot a great deal in undergrad). He was a pretty okay guy. I'm glad I retrieved my memory.... I really did not want to forget him.

Edit 2: There was also something very disturbing I came across yesterday, although it was old news. This young guy (not even yet 20 at the time) took his life live via webcam. It will be soon close to about a year ago.

He left a note & in it, what he said reminded me of my brother, who has had a similar life. It also made me wonder if my brother ever attempted. (I don't really know; I don't want him to, even though we are not on good terms.)

I found I also identified with what he said & how he felt. What made the whole situation really heartbreaking was not just the gentleman's pain but the inaction on the part on most who knew what he was going to do, those who were said to have egged him on to do it as well as the staggering amount of insensitivity, ignorance, misplaced/inappropriate racialism/racism & sheer hatred in comments posted by users that I read & saw (+ that was only 1 page perhaps of several all over the Internet).

I could not pry myself from the computer, as painful as it was. It was a reminder to me that perhaps apart from here of the people who can be very inhumane to others without giving 2 hoots about you, any thing else or even themselves & that the shelter I've found here & those elsewhere are not to be taken for granted ever.

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we will make our own end

Postby xn728 » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:52 pm

man is in the progress of destroying himself ,herself , if they turned round and looked at mess were making ,its to late ,i think we sufferers are blessed with a compasstion no one else could posses,it take a great deal of courage to live with depprestion ,and even more not to live with it ,
we are treated so badly and so misunderstood ,for all the experts and there knowledge ,im sorry they dont have a clue ,,,,,,xn728 ken

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