Driving crazy due dont have any other to talk, any other too ?

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Re: Driving crazy due dont have any other to talk, any other too ?

Postby Looking4Peace86 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:40 pm

I totally understand how you feel. I find myself feeling alone and not really having anyone to talk with about my emotions. I am a single father with a little girl. Just got out of a 10 year relationship that has not ended well at all. I really don't have any friends, I due have family around but there is only so much you can say to them or simply want them to know.

I find myself wishing I could find a friend who can help give me comfort during my lows and also share my happiness during my peak moments in life. I question myself on how I allowed my emotions to get this way. I just hope that I can find peace someway. I want be and feel different, happy, mybe find love again? or find something within myself.

Anyways your not alone.

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Re: Driving crazy due dont have any other to talk, any other too ?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:34 pm

Do not be ashamed to engage with people in your family. Do not be afraid to communicate with them your personal feelings. You do not have to go through things alone.

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