God is punishing me

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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God is punishing me

Postby jones » Sun Aug 27, 2017 3:53 pm

When I was small, I didn't know any better and became involved in sin. It was how I was raised. When I began to understand that it was wrong, I still kept on the wrong path, so I lived in a cycle of guilt and shame until I finally took the right path. Since then I've tried to be a good person to make up for it. But I know that God is punishing me for my sin. If nothing I can do will erase the stain, then what is the point of anything? What is the point of living?

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Re: God is punishing me

Postby lukasz » Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:38 pm

Hi, God is not punishing you for anything, because you did not do anything to deserve it. This not your fault that you did what you did. It is the other way around - you are the victim, not the bad one.

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Re: God is punishing me

Postby DiegoArgentina92 » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:13 pm

Well, im not a God believer, so, im going to give you my perspective.

Things happen, end of the story. Ive been through bad things too, and at the end, its just that, "how this could happen ?", and the only answer is "cause bad things happens".

"What is the point of living?", theres no point,, you are just here. For some, the idea of life without a point its a scary vition, cause makes you feel a void, and a insignificance, but for others, this is a liberating idea, cause make a life without boundaries, where everyhthing is permited, without rules to follow, where you can think what to do here.

The only rule to follow is try to feel ok everyday, could be hard to reach, sometimes not that hard, sometimes yes, but thats the final,, feel good everyday you can.

Good luck.

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Re: God is punishing me

Postby sixpence » Wed Sep 13, 2017 7:12 am

If you believe in God please believe that he loves you. You were made in his image and you are perfect as you are. Everybody sins to some degree, its all about your intention. All you can do is try your best every day and know that this is good enough. Give yourself love, respect and time to improve your life day by day. Your history doesn't have to define your future, think of all the many people who 'sinned' in the past and were able to go on to live healthy, happy, peaceful lives that served others. Try every day to find something about yourself that you can love and admire, gradually make peace with yourself, trust that God loves you and forgives you and wants a joyful and peaceful life for you too, just like you deserve.

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Re: God is punishing me

Postby Spleefy » Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:52 am

jones wrote:When I was small, I didn't know any better and became involved in sin. It was how I was raised. When I began to understand that it was wrong, I still kept on the wrong path, so I lived in a cycle of guilt and shame until I finally took the right path. Since then I've tried to be a good person to make up for it. But I know that God is punishing me for my sin. If nothing I can do will erase the stain, then what is the point of anything? What is the point of living?

Hi Jones,

I do not believe that God is punishing you for your past mistakes. We all make mistakes. We all sin. This is natural because we are humans and we will do some things that we are not proud of, big or small.

You are pursuing a path of righteousness. You are now trying to be a good person. You have repented and doing what you can to become a better person. God does not turn his back on people who repent; instead, he reaches out to them...

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness". -- 1 John 1:9.

Therefore, if you ask God for forgiveness, he will give it to you. I believe God has already forgiven you, Jones. Perhaps it's time you started to forgive yourself?

Just keep on the right path. The mistakes you made in the past doesn't define who you are today. You DO have reason to live. Just be kinder to yourself and I'm confident the burden of guilt on your shoulders will slowly lift and you'll be able to breathe again.


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Re: God is punishing me

Postby Pocha45 » Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:56 am

I feel the same way depression had me bounded i had to leave my job my life is just a mess i dont know what to do anymore.why am i still here

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