Hi my name's Deb

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Hi my name's Deb

Postby Deb » Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:09 pm

Hi,I am a 53 yr old wife mother and grandmother. I have struggled with depression for over 30 yrs. I am currently on paxil and trazadone. I was doing ok for a couple of years but have been going down hill for about 4 months. My Dr. wants me to see a psychiatrist to see if my meds need to be changed. I've been on so many different pills and it's such a gamble as far as side affects. I'm not looking forward to it. But I go through all the aggravation of finding what Dr.s the insurance covers. Then find out which one my Dr. recommends, then it takes 2 days to get my courage up to call. And guess what? She's not taking new patients. I haven't been able to do anything since. I don't know what to do. thank you for giving me a place to talk.

Little Red Haired Girl
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Postby Little Red Haired Girl » Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:52 pm

Last edited by Little Red Haired Girl on Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Monty » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:43 pm

Deb and Little Red Haired Girl,

From reading your posts, sounds like my situation is a lot like the two of yours. Except for the fact that I am no longer married. We decided to call it quits after 27 years. We are still friends, which makes things a lot easier. We just got married too young and in the end didn't have too much in common.

I am 51, and also a grandmother to a granddaughter. Only one so far.

Have been struggling with depression for about 25-30 years. At the time that my youngest was about 2, the whole thing just unravelled for me. Very deep depression. I still feel bad about the quality of mothering that my kids got. In my head, I know that I should let it go, because both of my kids seem to love me a lot. Still those nagging thoughts in my mind, what if........

Deb, actually about a couple of weeks ago I started on Trazadone. I think that it is helping to solve my sleeping problem (chronic insomnia) but did I ever have a bad reaction to it, at first. For about a week I was sick as a dog. It seems to have eased off now though.

Sorry that you are going through such a rough time now.

I, too have been on a lot of pills throughout the years. They just couldn't seem to find the proper mix of them for me. Finally they resorted to ECT (electro-convulsive, shock therapy) and that seems to have helped me more than any of the other pills that have been prescribed over the years.

Didn't mean to go on so long.

Want to welcome you two. The forum is full of a lot of neat people, that are willing to accept people, just the way they are. There is not judging here, but there are people that would like to hear your stories, and add encouragement when we can. Can assure you that your postings are read.And that there are many of us in the same boat.

Take care.

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Postby aim » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:22 pm

((((((Ladies)))))) Welcome to both of you and hey there Monty girl!! You sure did come to the right place! No judging around here, and your posts are surely read. I can't get on every day, I work full-time and then some, but I get here whenever I can.

Meds are so tricky sometimes, Deb. I am on Paxil currently, but it's really not for depression, but mostly prescribed for anxiety - which is what I have. Paxil has really agreed with me, and has made it possible for me to live as normally as possible. Not saying I don't get nerves sometimes, but I can rationalize much better at this point. Also, I've had no side effects except fatigue - so I just take it at night before bed. Any questions you have about it, please feel free to ask. However, I do know that drugs affect people differently... how long have you been on it? Has it helped you at all?

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Postby ButterflyKisses » Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:35 am

Hi Deb, and welcome to the group! I hope you find the support and information here that will help you through this rough time. Best wishes!

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Postby Monty » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:46 pm


Haven't heard from you for just about a week.

Hope all that is well with you.

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