Trying to fight but it's hard

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Trying to fight but it's hard

Postby Von » Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:32 pm

I feel like my ahead is so confused or split in two. I try so hard to fight depression but right at this moment I'm fighting with thoughts that I shouldn't give in to feeling low and should keep trying. The other bit of me just wants to give in, phone in sick to work, shut the world out, hurt myself. I hate feeling like this. I'm so embarrassed by my actions, thoughts and feelings and I hate this.

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Re: Trying to fight but it's hard

Postby abbymarie » Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:23 pm

Hey! I completely understand what you are going through. I almost always feel like my mind is of two personalities. One that wants to give up and be done with everything, and the other that knows how much I'll be hurting those that I care about. Sometimes my thoughts seem to be running around in my head so fast that I can't tell which one is winning or what exactly is going on. Try writing down your thoughts both good and bad as the come to you. Then reread them and for every negative thought find a person, thing, or some reason why its not true or who's worth living for. Otherwise just write. And keep checking in here. We are here to help. And you are welcome to message me anytime.

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Re: Trying to fight but it's hard

Postby Justyaaveraggurl » Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:16 pm

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Depression can be an overwhelming monster in our life. Are you talking to a Therapist or a psychologist. I don't necessarily believe that depression is something we can fight on our own. One of its weapons against us besides the attack on our mind is isolation. It want to keep us in the dark. I want to recommend a book also that can help give your mind other things to think about especially when those thoughts start to attack. Its called "Overcoming Depression" by Christopher Williams. I hope things work out for you.

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Re: Trying to fight but it's hard

Postby ledger » Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:48 am

I went through life depressed, and isolating myself because I didn't want to get hurt, but in the end I ended up hurting myself even more

I don't know if this is how you feel, but it was tough for me because although I was always unhappy, I didn't know why, and felt defeated everything I tried to make things better

Things got better for me after I found friends, people who cared about me, and who I could talk to about my problems.

I don't know whether you have a religion, and I'm not suggesting that you need to do anything, but for me, things got better for me after I became Christian.

That's all I'm going to say about it, because there are a lot of people who don't like Christians, and think all sorts of stuff about them. but I'm just going to say that it helped me

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Re: Trying to fight but it's hard

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:13 am

Have you been to see your doctor? If you feel you can't face the world then maybe it's seeing your doctor and asking for more support. It could be you just need your medication increased or could help your situation by talking to a therapist.

It's not good your having bad thoughts and that's why you need to seek medical help.

If your in crisis or anything there are organisations on here who can help.

Please keep reaching out :)

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