
Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby Giron » Fri May 12, 2017 4:24 pm

I´m really new to this and English is not my first language so I may use the wrong word or spell a word wrong but I hope you will understand anyway.

My problems started a few years ago. My grandmother passed away, I had to switch school because my old one was burned to the ground and a lot of other stuff happend. I was bullied through most of my school years and that really effected me. I have had a really bad confidence pretty much my whole life so nothing went my way so to speak. Anyway after my grandmother passed I really started to sink, I was alone most of the time, I didn´t have many friends and I was very closed of from everyone. A few years later I moved to a new town and it was there I crashed. I started having anxity and panic attacs, most of them ended whith me hurting myself whith a scissor. Nothing Deep they were all shallow wounds that didn´t bleed, they just left a mark that hurt, similar to a papercut.
At this time I took contact with the psychologist and started getting help. I got medicin and it worked and for quite some time I was feeling better. How ever recently my life took a turn for the worse. I got my first boyfriend a little more then a year ago and after being together for almost 8 months he broke up with me and I had a really hard time with other things as well. The breakup was really hard on me and after that I started falling again and I was falling fast. I started hurting myself again, something I hadn´t done i years, and I escalated it. I started using a hobby knife. The cuts were still not very Deep but they always started to bleed and all of them have left scars.

I know that selfharm isn´t the solution to my problems but in the moment I can´t stop myself. I don´t know why I feel the need to hurt myself and that scares me. I don´t want to be like this and I´m trying to change but right now it´s not working.

I really don´t know what to do. Can someone help me??

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Re: Confused

Postby MickD » Sat May 13, 2017 5:05 am

Hello, thanks for reaching out here. I recently reached out on her and it started the process of me getting help and im starting to feel better even though im still on near that rock bottom.

I self harmed too but i went quite deep on my arm, it relieved it temporary but ive not got nasty scars on my arm which is embarrassing when people ask about them, so my number one advice here is to absolutely stay away from that.

I think the best thing to do, even though it feels impossible, is to talk to someone, doctor, family, anyone. start talking about yourself even if that person is only listening, thats the first step i took which started to help

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Re: Confused

Postby froggymom » Mon May 15, 2017 4:37 pm

You are a beautiful creation of God and deserve every happiness. You have experienced some very painful events in your life and I'm sorry you had this suffering. Sometimes we need help sorting through difficult and painful situations. I'm glad you saw a psychologist and I hope you have continued to talk to this person. If they are not helping you try another one.There are many out there and sometimes it takes a little time to find the right one. Remember it is a sign of strength to seek help( )when we need it. I will be praying for you.

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Re: Confused

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Tue May 16, 2017 9:45 am

Hi there, yes I agree with all the above advice the other two have said. Talking to someone might be difficult right now but just making that first step can make all the difference.

It's good to know you are or have got some support with your feelings and trying to get to support for self harming. What someone told me was to take baby steps to getting the help you need. One day at a time.

It might be a good idea to write down goals and set a date to when you want to complete. It's important to remember that your goals should be achievable and smart. Not unrealistic goals which are impossible right now to achieve.

Also I would suggest writing down your thoughts is a good way of getting your feelings off your chest. I don't know if you like writing but does help some.

I hope that helps.


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Joined: Sat May 27, 2017 7:02 am

Re: Confused

Postby xenon11 » Sat May 27, 2017 7:10 am

new and best quality iboga rootbark has been discovered in the Congo from old trees harvested in the best environmental way.
Be the first to journey in the spirit with this sacrament.
As a member of the Bwiti community, I have more than 15 years experience working with the wood.And can ship to most parts of the world.
We offer 10kg + 1 to 2kg of Bonus wood FREE.
For more info, please write via email;[email protected]
NOTE; Ask questions and I will answer. I am in your service, for your health is our priority and also iboga rootbarks can detoxify your system from any addiction be it heroine,cocaine,alcohol,cigarette,marijuana,games,gambling,depression and sexual addictions. Experience the magic with the sacramental plant IBOGA.
Iboga will redeem you and remember you are not alone. So I tell you I was once in this very state of your but this detox helped relieved me of my pain and anger for I was so confused just as you are. From then I decided that I was going to be of help to those passing through this state. So for more information just contact me with the above e-mail address thanks.

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