What a Life........

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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What a Life........

Postby Megan7890 » Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:39 am

ok so, i'm going to tell you my story.
My dad and I never got along we would always fight and he would slap me, then he got married and since then he was different he wasn't the same and one day he asked me a question and I said its not your business to know (because it was a personal question about my mom) then he went into his closet I knew what was going to happen. I told him "If you hit me im calling the cops'' (because that's abuse) He took my wrist bent it back and took my phone. Then he dragged me into the room and threw me on the bed, hit me once, then he threw me against the wall hit me twice, then threw me back on the bed and hit me again. He left me crying on the bed for hours I was hurt and bruised I called my mom but she refused to pick me up. The day after I went home because I live with my mom. She then called my dad started swearing at him then hung up. Two days after I get called down to the office and DCF was at my school wanting to talk to me so I told her what happened she said I couldn't see my dad for month. A year after my parents went to court 3 times and I was caught in the middle between things. And right now I don't see my dad anymore and now its me and my mom that are always fighting, we had a fight two weeks ago and she was yelling at me and then she looked me in the eyes and said I have one regret and that's having you. I ran up to my room crying I knew my family never loved me nobody would care if I left my mom doesn't even love me. I became depressed, my mom found a suicide note in my mom and made me talk to someone which I do but doesn't help. I tried to do suicide in my room but my best friend called me because I told her goodbye and wouldn't respond to her texts she talked me out of it. But I still think of doing it again, I cut every day, I just feel so alone and I don't know what to do.

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Location: South West

Postby CrazyKiss » Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:34 pm

Hi there, Im so sorry to hear about thé past traumas u expérienced. No one should have to go through voilence and i know we dont have à choice who are parents are or anything but we have à choice of violent behaviour. Theres no need for it no matter what.

I dont understand Why ur mum was on ur side and then now is not. Whats her problem? For her to say and regret having u is thé worse of the worse and i see why its made u upset. For ur dad to beat u is another thing. Im glad hes no longer in ur life.

Im not sure if ur a boy or a girl but sounds like ur à boy and as farther and son sometimes that relationship can either make u or break u and Ive heard à few situations from guys who have had à farther and isnt in contact with them anymore cuz of thé relationship. Its différent i think with girls and mums but Im à girl and my relationship with my mum is not simlour but à difficult one.

I had this friend who was in thé same situation as u and His dad never likes him and wasnt there for him and didnt care about His up bringing or anything and really hated each other and i know he use to beat him and His dad use to do that to his mum and i know urs is différent but its on the same path. They dont speak no more and live seprate. His mum use to bring him up with his siblings.

I wanted to ask if u have brother or sister? If u do that can help alot cuz they can stick up for u but if not then i would try and reach to someone else in the family like an aunty or uncle. What do u think?

Try not to worry as nothing can happen now. He must of gone but thats good. Im glad ur mum is there but i think she needs to support u more. You have no one and if u could try talking to her then that would be good. Do u have à therapist? If so Could u bring ur mum a long to see them and help her understand more? That might be a good thing for u.

In thé mean time try and stay safe and if anything else happens then u know what to do and seek other help in thé mean time by coming on here or contacting Childline either by phone or chat. That should help alot.

Keep safe x

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