New hobby/better brighter future

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New hobby/better brighter future

Postby SoulSearcher » Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:10 am

I've been starting to run a lot more lately just for something to do and so far it's been the only thing that makes me happy lately. When I run, I feel free and in that 1-2 hr time period I can escape my problems and thoughts and just have a clear mind. I want to start doing marathons this up coming year and make running a serious hobby of mine. I am sick of feeling like crap all of the time and hating what I see in the mirror, and I realize that in order to be happy I have to put in the effort. So starting today I am going to completely change my routine and exercise more, eat healthier, go to sleep earlier, and focus more on my running. I'm hoping that in 5 months or so I will be able to look back at how my life was and how I was feeling and not be able to relate to it at all. My journey to a better brighter future starts now. Wish me luck!

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Postby Ieris » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:50 am

So happy to see such a positive post ^_^
It is great how running is benefitting you physically and mentally. Hope you see the results that you want to see. i am glad you are moving forward.. Keep running! x

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Postby Doogie » Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:06 pm

That's great!

When I was (much) younger I had felt the same way...then one day I just decided to run. Pretty soon I was in a routine and I've kept it up for years. I completely changed my eating habits, etc. I dropped 40lbs and never looked back.

I find it very relaxing despite some times I think my age is showing lol

Best of luck when you get to run your marathon!

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Postby chagi » Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:01 am

Thank you 4EverMe for listening. I feel better after talking with my therapist, I am going to see her next week too. She thinks I may need a partial program. That is when you go get mental health help all day long, but go home at night to be with your family. I did this once before 2 1/2 years ago. :roll: :wink:

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