Tictactoe Again?!

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Tictactoe Again?!

Postby tictactoe » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:18 am

I am very glad to be part of Depression Understood Forums and Chat. I have struggled so long that I was ready to give up. Im terribly bipolar with the added burden of rapid cycling. Im all over the map, you could say.
I have advanced liver disease which only antigonizes my depression. I can skip my psych meds and get away with it, but I can't miss my liver meds! I need them to cleanse my blood of toxins like ammonia and urea. Without this process, I can get extremely depressed.

I want you to know that I am a good person, and only want to encourage each of you to choose the good as well. The forces of the darkness are real and are to be resisted with all our strength.

If you meet me in the chatroom as "tictactoe", please know that Im not entirely stable as some others. I mean well. But my counsel is not to be trusted and I ask for forgiveness in advance. (Also, I do get sarcastic at times, which was just the way I was raised.) I'll try to keep it in check.

Ive decided to post some of my paintings. They are my babies and I dont share them easily. I hope they may stir up others, and inspire them to paint, write and create. They are seeds which can bring us a healing of sorts. I'm interested in the stark power of poetry, its ability to change and to guide.

I hope to read yours, and offer mine for your critique. 8)

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Postby georgiapeach » Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:09 am

tttie!!!! im happy to see you've posted. i've read it many times and cant come up with a response to it. just know im here for you and i've seen how far you've come. i wish you the best of luck with your liver!

((((((((((((((((((((((((( ttt ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
love ya buddy!

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Postby aim » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:02 pm

tictactoe... you are more wise than you seem to think. That post took an incredible amount of insight and courage to put up there for all to see.

Keep posting and chatting, tictactoe... we all benefit from each other!

And sarcasm... I know nothing about growing up in a house like that!!! ;-)

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Postby Robvious » Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:33 am

Hey Triple T :) Hope you're doing well.

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Postby LifeWasBeautiful » Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:11 pm


I think that, its hard for some of us with mood disorders especially to find peace with ourselves because of the ever rapid changing world we find ourselves in day to day.
And it can be very difficult for us to see the good, as I think you mentioned,we need to find the strength to see it.
I believe, TTT, trust is a big issue with some of us that have mood disorders. However, from my experience. We have to learn to trust ourselves first. And thats difficult with everything changing so often. But beyond that, beyond the mood disorder, there is something we can see. There is a person. And that person can be trusted. By ourselves, and by others.
Validate ya' self.
You deserve it.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:44 pm

(((((((((((((((( tictactoe ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Thank you for the added gift of you!


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Postby Monty » Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:58 pm

I am only in the forums, not in the chatroom so I don't know too much about you.

It is tough to have to deal with deep depression on it's own, but to have another disease to deal with at the same time, must make things a challenge for you.

I have been on some heavy duty meds for more than 20 years, so I often have to get my liver checked, since your liver is the filter for all this stuff that I put in my mouth. So far mine has been ok.
I hope that you liver problems stay in check.

I am also a rapid-cycler, who has at times, been out there in left field all by myself. Rapid-cycling is difficult to deal with on our own. For me it has also made it difficult to let people into my life. Or maybe I should say that it has been difficult for them to "stay in my life". When people keep turning their backs on you, it gets tough to give people just one more chance.

I think that we all have the basic human need, of feeling that we belong somewhere. I hope that you keep posting here, and find the same level of support that I have felt.

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Postby aim » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:37 am

I think, for what it's worth, that it's incredibly brave of both of you to continue fighting the good fight, which includes both the physical ailments and the bipolar disease you both suffer from.

That's what bravery is. Facing things head on, every day, and not knowing what the outcome will be, and even being afraid of what it will be.

Keep battling, guys. You are both worth it. :-)

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