IOSH: Offering Safety Courses for over a Decade

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IOSH: Offering Safety Courses for over a Decade

Postby TaroPenu » Fri May 16, 2014 2:57 am

The recent increases in the deaths caused due to workplace accidents have grabbed the attention of many National and International organizations. UN agencies like the World Health Organization and International Labor Organization have come up with policies for protecting the health and safety of working men and women. In solidarity to this, many countries have formulated policies to safeguard the interests of the working class. There are internationally accredited health and safety organizations offering courses through recognized health and safety course providers for sensitizing employees about occupational safety.

IOSH is the first health and safety organization to be offered NGO status by International Labor Organization. IOSH has been offering health and safety training for employees for more than a decade and its members have outnumbered any other health and safety organization in the world. With more than 40,000 members spreading the message of health and safety in more than 99 countries, IOSH holds a pivotal role in the shaping of decisive policies related to health and safety in many countries. iosh training courses envision preventing health and safety issues and replacing it with a healthy and co-existing work atmosphere.

IOSH accredited courses are preferred by companies in UK and in many countries abroad due to the quality training provided to employees. NEBOSH course certification is accredited by IOSH. NEBOSH is now becoming one of the key qualifications for manager and supervisor in industries and refineries. There has been a rising demand for health and safety courses after the induction of technical equipments. IOSH recognized courses have become one of the favorite choices for industries and organizations that envision training employees in using technical equipments, without inflicting injuries.

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