y is life so unfair

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:05 pm

y is life so unfair

Postby joeyavenue » Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:12 pm

Why is life so cruel? Don't get me wrong I have a family and a husband that love me a lot but everything else never goes my way I lost my job 2 years ago and have not been able to get another one I even went back to school and still nothing and my life is so draining right now. How do you pull yourself out of a deep dark hole.

Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:05 pm

Postby joeyavenue » Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:15 am

How do you get rid of the feelings of being not enough. I feel like I'm not ever going to be a person who is worth anything. I can't get a Job everyone likes to complain about everything I do, like the house isn't clean enough or why wasn't dinner made or why is do you drive a pile. And when people tell me everything is going to be alright I feel like its false hope. I wants to be happy again and to smile and really mean it not pretend that I'm ok but to be ok. I want out of my depression. I fight my self harm thoughts so hard right now its really scary. My husband found out that I was on this site and was mad that I didn't talk to him and I told him that I try but he gets mad everytime I do. So I tried talking to him again and once again he got frustrated and angry. I know its frustrating I'm living it but he's not helping by acting that way.

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