Anyone on cipralex 10mg?

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Anyone on cipralex 10mg?

Postby Ulysses_ » Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:20 pm

Hi there,

I'm somewhat new to this site. Only been around a few months. I've been dealing with the double-edged sword of anxiety/panic attacks and depression. This past week was rather bad for my anxiety which just worsens along with the depression. It has started to really put me in a downward spiral that I quickly got on top of due to past issues with anxiety. I suffered from quite a few panic attacks this past week which has also affected my health. Very poor sleeping habits lately, either too much or too little. Not wanting to leave my bed and inability to eat much due to other health related issues as well. Decided to see my doctor regarding multiple issues this past Friday. He put me on low dose 10mg of Cipralex which I've taken 2 days now at bedtime. Starting to feel more anxious today. Wondering if this is a common side effect of this type of drug. More so restless than panicky. I had some weird dreams that triggered some anxiety last night and left me feeling just out of it most of the day. Also feeling low on appetite/slightly nauseous.

I'm just looking for a few opinions if anyone else is on this drug :)

- Allison

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Postby josieyup » Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:13 am

I do have experience with Cipralex. It is very normal to start to feel more anxious when starting to take these kinds of medications. Cipralex is a anti-depressant/anti-anxiety. My advice to you would be to continue taking it at the same time every day, and in about 3 - 4 weeks up the dose to 20mg. I say this because 10mg is mainly for people with depression. If you have panic attacks and have high anxiety, you are going to need to be on at least 20mg of Cipralex.
Hope I was of some help and I wish you well!

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Postby Ulysses_ » Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:33 am

Thanks Josie! I had a feeling it's my body adjusting to the new medication. I'm definitely feeling more anxious today (day 3) due to some weird anxiety fueled dreams that woke me up rather early this morning. Also causing me to have quite the upset tummy in the mornings. Probably my anxiety causing that but I'm wondering if I should switch my medication to the day time instead.

Anyways, thanks for the input. I'll track my progress in a few weeks and hope it will help me some as I also embark on some CBT.

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