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Postby MyUnseenStarlight » Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:59 am

Both Frame and 4EverMe made great points.

I never expected too much from him. When he came to me and purposely asked to be friends I trusted him with my whole heart to be just that ... a simple friend.

Someone to listen if I needed to talk. Someone that maybe wished me Happy Thanksgiving , or Merry Christmas .. or even took two minutes of his time to say ' Happy Birthday Star." I never wanted any more than that.

He's the kind of person that if he wants to talk to you he can be the nicest person in the world. But then if he doesn't he acts like you don't even exist.

I never expected " high expectations" from him. Just for him to be what he asked us to be. Friends


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:03 am

Like I've said before Star; he isn't worth your time of day lovely, as you deserve to much better and it sounds to me all he cares about is himself?(sorry)? But that's how I see it anyway.

It's pretty obvious your not happy with this guy, so it sent really a good relationship to be in, you do deserve to be happy and you WILL find someone who will love you for you.

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Postby MyUnseenStarlight » Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:45 am

Thank you Crazylady17. Your right.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:49 am

You are most welcome :D
I'm not right? It's just knowledge. Just want the best for you that's all

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Postby Ieris » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:22 pm

4EverMe wrote:Hi leris,
In all fairness, though, I have to add that [/b]there are times we don't know we will be burned.[/b]

A second scenario would be to know it, but allow this regardless...

There is often the third option- We're not too sure, one way or another.

Nevertheless, the end result is betrayal, pain and the like.

Is there a fourth? Yes. It is when we have lost all trust in people, to the point where we 'assume' the worst, when it is not necessarily so.

Hello 4EverMe,

That's the thing about life, you never know what will happen, that applies to almost everything. You can hope for the best but you should also be prepared for the worse or at least what could happen. Marriages can break down, you might get rejected for a job, you may not win the first prize for a competition etc. If you can't handle rejection or losing then you're going to have a very hard time because you won't always win. many things come with risks, a bit like gambling, you can win but you can also lose. If you can't afford to lose then don't gamble. Again these are choices one makes.

I feel bad for what happened to Star and I feel that it is important for him/her to look forward and not dwell in the past. I have been through what he/she has numerous times and I know it's not easy. Some people even stole money from me and disappeared. Im still friendly, i still trust people because I know not to tar everyone with the same brush. Whatever happened was with that individual and i don't project his flaws onto other people which would be very unfair. It did happen to me a few times but I did learn and i did grow and I am now immune to that crap :D if someone betrayed me now.. Oh well.. Moving on swiftly. I hope Star you can move forward because there are better things to come.. Don't stay in the past and miss out on what is ahead. Keep swimming to that shore :) x
Last edited by Ieris on Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:27 pm

I hope one day you will find a man who will treat you right, you are worth more than this. Am going to keep on saying that until you believe me, okay?

Life is too short, we have to live it while we can beside we don't know what's round the corner.

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Postby MyUnseenStarlight » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:31 pm

Hi there Ieris you make very good points and I respect what you say. I'm a girl by the way lol .... :)

And to CrazyLady17. I DO believe you. I deserve a lot better than him and someday I know with all my heart I will find the right guy. Thank you.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:35 pm

Star is a girl, star is a beautiful name by the way :D

And you are welcome, good! Glad I hear you believe me and glad to hear that you are being so positive and that you see he is no good for you! That's a good step forward, well done.
Proud of you.

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Postby Ieris » Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:23 pm

MyUnseenStarlight wrote:
I'm a girl by the way lol .... :)

Cool, that's what I thought but just incase :p I will keep that in mind :)
How are you feeling today? (I would PM you but they don't seem to work >_<)


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:25 pm

Why don't they work?
They work for me? Ask one of the mods to see if it can be sorted?

Oh and Star I agree with everything Ieris has said, she has some good points there :)

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