Crazy question....Cravings

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Crazy question....Cravings

Postby tiredofsmiling » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:40 pm

I know this may sound like a crazy question.. but maybe not when I explain.

I am being treated for chronic pain with an implanted intrcathter pump.. which pumps Fentanyl in me 24/7..I also take Codeine Tylenol for breakthrough pain, diazapam for muscle relaxant..and yes, anxiety, and Trazodone for my depression..and to sleep.

I have never been a huge sugar junkie.per fact given I stress about my weight a lot I have always tried to keep sugar intake low...Now, I have noticed in the past few years, especially the last year, by afternoon my craving for chocolate is insane ! I should also add, I am 53, so female hormones factor too.. but, my cravibg for chocolate is fierce !! In, fact, have spent this week self medicating on bags of Dove chocolate...

But what I seriously wonder is.. could all these meds, meds I will have to take for the rest of my life..opiads no less..are they contributing to some chemical need I have for chocolate ? Cause I have never been like this before all these drugs .. and I wish I could keep it at bay, cause eating all the sugar is not good for my already depressed mood.

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Postby Frame » Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:11 pm

I think it's worth investigating (I mean deep googling) because chocolate has lots of interesting properties. With all the intervening meds, it might be a weird craving but it might also be a healthful one. The chocolate itself (not all the milk or coconut oils) have antioxidants. Caffeine could be something your body wants. Even the body temperature melting points has pychological effects. Maybe something in it can help stabilize the meds. But don't take my word for it; I haven't looked.

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Postby tiredofsmiling » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:58 pm

I have actually done some major googling on it! HA !! I did find some info on it may be a sign of magnesium depletion in the body of all things and then info on it raises certain hormone levels.. that make you feel better. The "feel" better part is true..until I wake up with a sugar headache and get on the scale...then..not soo good !

Must look more into the magnesium connection and see if anyone else finds themselves with the same kind of craving ? Or just chalk it up to another weird me thing.

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Postby Frame » Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:14 pm

OK, but you can get the high purity cocoa; maybe not as sweet, but more antiox. less calories.

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