Is medication right for me?

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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Is medication right for me?

Postby Nick546 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:47 am

First, my history with meds. (I can provide more details if necessary.) My psychiatrist first prescribed fluoxetine. After a few months, I didn't notice any improvement in my mood and tended to feel drowsy all the time--even if I took it before going to bed--so I switched to a combination of wellbutrin, neurontin, and seroquil--at first, just wellbutrin. Eventually, my psychiatrist dropped the neurontin and seroquil and prescribed celexa. After about 6 months on wellbutrin, I haven't noticed much of an improvement. In fact, I feel like my medication is making me more depressed. I even suspect that some medications are designed to convince people that they have emotional problems and need help--so that drug companies and psychiatrists can continue getting paid. Maybe, this is just more of my paranoia, though.

Has anyone had any similar thoughts/experiences? And would anyone be able to provide some statistics related to the effectiveness of anti-depressant drugs?

I also worry about what would happen if I stopped taking medication. I don't want take something so long that I become dependent on it in some way.

I thought I had more to say, but maybe, I just can't think of more relevant info right now. I can provide it, though, if someone reminds me with a question. I would appreciate any advice.

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Postby burg » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:26 am

I was on neurontin for phantom limb pain, mirtazapine for depression and oxycontin for arthritis, and valium for tinnitus. Was very happy for 2 years on this combo. Stopped taking neurontin suddenly, without weaning, as my doc said it's OK to just stop. Bad mistake :!: Within a week, I suffered panic attacks, terrible anxiety and depression soon followed. I've been suffering for 6 months now. Had severe anxiety and depression for 25 years prior to my accident where I had to have my leg amputated. After being in hosp for 6 months, I was strangely free of depression and anxiety for the first time in 25 years. So happy, calm and confident for 2 years until stopping neurontin suddenly. It sure messed up the balance of my neurotransmitters. Psych keeps trying me with different drugs like Seroquel, which was horrible and made me feel worse,so I weaned off it, pristiq, which was also horrible and made me so sick, so weaned off, Lexapro which made me very ill also, weaned off that too, and now she's put me on Imovane. WTF? That is a sleeping ill for God's sake! Been on it for a week and feel more jittery than ever with no improvement in mood. I just want to wean off it, also wean off valium which is a depressant. Wishing you luck in getting better.

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Postby JadenB19 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:05 am

Nick, what were you prescribed Neurontin for? As an adjunctive agent? Seems unusual are you aware of any strong evidence for Neurontin being used for Depression?

Also that last bit about the complexity of the healthcare system and how certain individuals (i.e drug company executives, psychiatrists etc..) benefit from this I can relate to. I have had paranoid thoughts like that as well...but I need to meditate more carefully on this subject.

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Postby JadenB19 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:11 am

Also holy shit Burg, your doctors sound like they don't know what they are really doing. Wish I was managing your meds bro...I'd figure things out just perfect for you.

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I started replying to your message, and pressed a wrong key.

Postby burg » Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:20 am

JadenB19 wrote:Also holy shit Burg, your doctors sound like they don't know what they are really doing. Wish I was managing your meds bro...I'd figure things out just perfect for you.

I wrote a long message in reply to you jadenB19. I said I fixed my depression/ anxiety all by myself, without psych or doc advice. I suffer from phantom limb pain, and was prescribed Gabapentin for it. Stopped it suddenly and the old anxiety/depression hit me full force. Had some left and took one on a day my phantom lib pain was unbearable. It dawned on me 2 hours later, that my anxiety had gone and my mood lifted. I wondered if it was coincidence. Didn't take it the next day, and had the jitters and deep black depression again. Next day, took a Gabapentin, and the same thing happened. Saw my psych 2 days ater. Told her about my experience with the Gabapentin and how I felt 'normal' with no anxiety and depression was down about 90%. She said Gabapentin can be used as an 'off label' use for anxiety/depression, and to keep taking it. She upped my dose to 3, 300mg daily. Saw my Amputee doc and htold him. He said I could take up to 1800mg a day if phantom limb pain was bad, but generally take 4 daily. Ever since I starteed back on Gabapentin, I've been getting better every day, in spite of arthritis pain and phantom limb pain, and various other ailments. I can cope with it all now, instead of retreating to my bed, reading or playiing word games on computer. There's not enough hours in the day now, to do all I want. I have interest in life, and enthusiasm again. I'm enjoying my life. I'd tell anyone who has depression and or anxiety, to ask their GP about trying Gabapentin as it balances the neurotransmitters i the brain. It helps them produce GABA, which i the happy hormone. Protein milkshakes help too, as depressed people need all the essential amino acids which help the brain balance serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine. I please dto report I'm back into the light and out of the bleak, black depths of despair, when I wanted to find a wa of committing suicide. Life is full of manynjos now, in spite of xevere pain which does get me down at times but I'm not stuck down. I also ate foods that help depression, like walnuts, green tea high protein and other foods, too much to mention here, but you can look up alternative treatment for depression. They help the medication to work. Good luck and I hope everyone on this forum will find relief from the darkness and mental pain and suffering!

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Postby PeaceLove » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:12 pm

Hello Nick :), I have found from talking to many people that suffer from various disorders, that people react so differently to medication. What helps me keep my moods stable might send another into a manic state or give them unwanted side effects. So you really have to find that medication that matches your needs and is in sync with your chemical make up. This can sometimes can be overwhelming and discouraging having to go through different meds till you find your fit, but in the end I found it was worth it.

I however cannot answer your question if medication is right for you or if quitting them is a good idea. This is something you should defiantly discuss with your doctor and do some introspective thinking on what it is you think is best for you. :)



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