Why should i carry on?

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Why should i carry on?

Postby QuercusRubra » Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:37 am

I never asked to be here, but society deems it "unacceptable" for me to leave. Every day i wake and think "today is another day of consuming more than i can return". Every bite of food, every joule of energy, every drop of fuel. I am just adding to the increasing problem that is the human race. I provide no greater benefit to this world and for what purpose. I work a job so that i can continue to consume until i die.

I ask you this... If i find less and less enjoyment from life, and my existence is costing this planet greatly. Why should i not be allowed to choose to end my suffering?

Chuck Wood
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Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:32 pm

Re: Why should i carry on?

Postby Chuck Wood » Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:56 pm

Short answer:
Because you have one chance, one life and no do-overs. So might as well see how go from here. Try everything healthy, take everything unhealthy and throw it off a cliff into the sea. One step in front of the other. Pause, but never move backward.

Long answer:

Of what you say, "today is another day of consuming more than i can return". Every bite of food, every joule of energy, every drop of fuel. -This is how we are making progress. We keep doing this and we will find things we havn't tried yet. It may help, or not. It is saddening that the fool proof method of ridding our pains is to never feel anything ever again. Yet we have only one life, so what should we do? My method (If I may share) has been pain tollerance. Meaning emotional pain tolerance. An example to get the idea: A child gets a flu shot and crys from the pain. An adult gets a flu shot and doesn't cry. Its the same pain, only the adult has experienced worse pains. Therefore, the worse pains we are able to endure, the better we are for getting through all this.

But its up to you what decision you make. People put restrictions on suicide because when they do, we have another chance to find what we need to handle life. Its applied to us in a uninformative and selfish fashion and maybe not even any care. We have to be our own mother, father, care taker, and knight in shining armor.

Don't bother with thinking about what you consume or space you take up. You gotta work on yourself, once you are together and healthy thats when you give back to society. And you don't have to feel happy to do things, just be strong enough. Sometimes some of the best reduction in emotional pain is giving to others.

Sorry that was a lot, I hope you find what you need.

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