My Friend Killed Himself pt. 2

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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sad boi
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Location: Chicago, IL

My Friend Killed Himself pt. 2

Postby sad boi » Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:05 am

A while ago I posted about how my friend had killed himself. Two days ago, the mass was held. It was weird. Throughout the whole thing, I wasn`t crying. Not a single tear. Then I saw this girl. She was from the school that me and the deceased used to attend. At first I didn`t notice her. Then she called out to me. She said my name, so softly I could feel the pain in her voice. I looked in her direction, and when I saw her mascara, it was obvious that she had been crying. Not a tear from me yet.

Then, all of a sudden, she hugged me. And that`s when it came out. All of the pain, the sadness, the frustration. All of it. Then I couldn`t stop. When we stopped hugging, I was crying so much I couldn`t speak. My nose was doing that disgusting thing where it runs but you can`t feel it. And then I saw his sister. She was 4 years old. For all she knew, he just went on a long trip and this was just another day at church. I gave her a ring, so that when she`s older, that day won`t be completely negative.

So for all of you contemplating suicide, please know that, if you do, you will be missed more than you can possibly imagine.

If you feel these thoughts coming on, please call 1-800-273-8255. There is always hope. Even if you can`t see it.

Never give up.

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Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:31 am

Re: My Friend Killed Himself pt. 2

Postby Tears » Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:34 pm

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. That's bravery and courage. I know this has moved me, and I know it will move others too.

Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:27 pm

Re: My Friend Killed Himself pt. 2

Postby JkBrauer » Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:58 pm

I am so glad that you had the courage to post part one and part two of this horrific incident of your friend. It took a lot of courage to post this. I am glad that you feel like you can come hear and talk and express your thoughts and bring vital information that others can use,who are contemplating suicide themselves. May God richly bless you!

Know that you are loved and supported here, we want the best for you!

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