A Really Weird Time Lately

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A Really Weird Time Lately

Postby nenkohai2 » Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:56 am

Pneumonia sucks. The infection is gone (for about 1.5 weeks now) but I'm still so very tired. I'm told this is how it goes.

A friend of the family recently died very unexpectedly. Of course, that kind of event stirs lots of existential questions into one's mind. One result of this is telling my wife that I need to lose some weight and get in better health. We got into a discussion about dying (we're both in our early 50s), and how, it seems, many men, in the process of dying, will do so when they are alone. It's as if they don't want to burden anyone, especially their family. As we talked about this, I realized that I totally get that. When I am dying, I really do not want a group of people around me that are sad and crying. That would just make me feel badly for leaving. So, I understand the alone-thing with men as they are dying.

My wife told me that she plans to be holding my hand when I die. I didn't know how to respond to that when she said it. But, I thought about it, and I tought, how very sweet. She and I will have to discuss particulars regarding "permission" to leave. To be assured that its okay to leave.

I know - its all kinda weird... but not dark, ya know?

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