For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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Postby aim » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:11 pm

I was just thinking that it was odd that we were posting like this in this forum... great minds think alike, I suppose.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:30 pm

LOL, not a great mind, but yes, same thought.

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Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:03 pm

wullie wrote:hi folks,
as some of u prob no ave a fear of dying, anyone else with the fear, what is it use r scared of??? for me its not nowing whats out there! and it scares me if there is nowt there so basically a want there 2 be life after death.

take care folks,


If you invest in your spiritual life, i am sure you will conquer that fear. What Jesus teaches might be true and there might be a heaven and a hell. Its good to know that you will go to a safe place, if there is life after death.

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Postby useranonymous » Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:46 am

I'm now 29 but I remember being afraid of death since I was about 12. I've no idea why though. I have many nights thinking about how terrified I am if it . I've also always had a fear since I can remember of fires, explosions, being underwater and bring crushed. I've never been near or experienced any if them, other than going swimming. Why on earth am I scared of those things, it's just weird. Maybe in a past life I had a horrific death. I refuse to believe that once we die that's it. Yeah, sure our body dies. But this planet has been around for so long now we can't possibly die and our soul doesn't live on? I'm really interested in having a past life regression actually . Maybe I'm so scared of death due to maybe dying horrifically in my past life (just a guess) The thought of death is always in my mind. Why, I don't understand.

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Postby Prycejosh1987 » Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:41 pm

wullie wrote:hi folks,
as some of u prob no ave a fear of dying, anyone else with the fear, what is it use r scared of??? for me its not nowing whats out there! and it scares me if there is nowt there so basically a want there 2 be life after death.

take care folks,


Its true the whole Jesus thing could be true. I play it safe and believe and take action because it just might be true. Believe in Jesus and follow His words.

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Postby useranonymous » Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:36 pm

I am terrified of death. I lay there every night with it very unintentionally on my mind. It freaks me out that I will not be here forever and I'm particularly scared of what lies beyond death. I have never been able to believe that we only have one life on this planet, it just can't be possible considering how old the earth is. I am very spiritual and I refuse to believe that you rot underground and know nothing and it's just nothing and a vast blankness for eternity. If you really think about that, it is very strange. I know you will be dead and won't know anything of it, but there's no way I believe that's how it is for eternity after death, even if you are cremated. Sorry, I'm getting too deep into this, but we all have to have another chance of life, surely? I just realised Ive already replied about this and said basically the same thing

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Postby CamGirl » Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:24 am

I guess we all fear the unknown and maybe it scares us because we are aware that we'll be alone wherever it is we're going. We won't be with the people we know. It's uncertain that's why it scares us.

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Postby fummymeasle » Tue May 04, 2021 7:23 am

Fear of the unknown is common, but I guess we just gotta have faith and not think of it at all. I mean, what's the point? Would you know you're dead?

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