Major Depression && Alternative Medicines?

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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Postby Obayan » Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:14 am

Always talk to your doc or pharmacist first before taking anything over the counter. So much out there can interact badly with the meds we already take.


Postby Ahorse » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:02 am

Hi Friday,

You're talking major depression and you say you don't like taking meds?

Alternates are for the people who make the alternates, a form of income. They do not work for any major depression, never have and never will.

Some help a little if you have a mild depression, such as St John's Wort. But none of these does a thing for major depression.

You are wasting time and money even considering them.

Consider this. Would they be sold by corner store guys with no qualifications if they actually resolved major depression, or any depression at all? Do you think that's likely?

Or would you think that qualified docs and shrinks would stock them and sell/prescribe them? Which they don't and won't as they know they are not useful.

If alternatives are succesful why does the drug industry exist for anti depressants? DO you think I like taking meds? Do you think anyone likes taking meds? I don't know any such person but I do know a hell of a lot that prefer meds to major depression and similar.

Isn't the object to lighten and relieve the depression? If you think you can pick and choose between meds and alterates then I would suggest you do not have major depression at all. You say you do and I accept that but I cannot fathom why you would prefer the suffering of that ilness to relief.

Sure it can be painful trying ranges of meds and having nasty side effects. Dry mouth and bowel problems sometimes the least of them but both can be very hard to take and live with. My mouth feels like a desert right now but I ain't stopping my meds because of that. I carry Life Savers for that thirsty feeling, the dry mouth.

Try whatever anyone here recommends but do remember that they may have a motive for saying what they do. And they'll probably say I'm a bogie from Big Pharma. I've had depression for 50 years now and only the last 10 have I got on top of it as I finally got serious instead of avoiding the issue as you seem to be right now.

To be very frank with you I found by far the best relief from depression was alcohol. Never alone, always out of the house and with people. I'd have a great time and feel so bad the next few days depression receded. When I felt better I just went back and got drunk again. Did it for 20 years, had a good career and relationships\family while so doing as well. God knows how I did it but I did.

I was a happy drunk you see. It made me feel good and laugh and amuse people, other drunks at least.

Finally though one night I became violent, 11 years ago, 6 January to be precise. I knew that was it and just stopped. But for 20 years it had beaten any meds and treatment I had found. But you don't EVER drink alone or at home. That's a sad drunk, misery.

Not recommending it, just saying that's how desperate I was to avoid the truth and what it held.

How desperate are you?

I must admit to an agenda too though. It is that I want to see others spend less time in the black pit than I. To not delay what actually helps, to be strong and just work hard for yourself. Recovery is in reach if you want it bad enough but only you can make that heppen. No doc or psych is going to suddenly reveal the answer to you, it's in you. THERE IS NO EASY WAY.

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Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:51 am
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Postby Obayan » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:56 am

Alcohol is a depressant. It warps the thinking process and distorts reality. When you sober up, not only are all your problems still there, but also new ones from the behavior while inebriated. Please don't drink. It destroys lives.

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