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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:03 am

No more malware for a bit... I'm so glad.... I'll still cross my fingers....

I did upgrade to Windows 7, since I got really tired of XP. Really, I did love it, but it was time for it to go for me.

Also, I am trying out Snow Leopard! I haven't used the Mac OS in a loonnnggg time. :lol: It's not too bad at 10.6.3, but it is randomly buggy. Jeez... It's the 1st time I try out a Mac since it was black + white, & it's buggy!!

Let me clarify buggy, though..... I've had kernel panics (like a system crash) when using Firefox (most times when I have 4 tabs open) & aMSN. It might not be the Mac OS, but maybe it's the programs themselves. Not sure.

Mac OS is okay, but I still can't believe that there really seems to be NO BUILT-IN WAY to uninstall apps!! To uninstall, it appears I might have to purchase an app for it. There are free ones, but from all that I've read, the free ones don't seem to be as good as the paid one.

There was something else I couldn't believe, but my memory is failing me at the moment.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:30 am

((((((((((((((( Crystal ))))))))))))))))

Don't think your memory is failing, think these people/places/programs make it more difficult than needed.

Just sending a hug your way.


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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:27 pm

The internet was acting up lately. I may very well have to rethink doing school online....

I have a dual boot of Snow Leopard and Lubuntu now on my netbook now. It actually wasn't too too hard. I'm amazed I was able to do it.... Yay! :-)

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:03 am

My neighbor does his schooling online. He oftentimes has to come over here to borrow the computer when his is down. He's missed many assignments due to lack of internet at the time, computer needing repairs, website under construction, etc.... I'd definately think very hard about schooling online.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:05 pm

The Internet is acting up again, unfortunately. I don't know if it's due to the weather....

Also, it was off last night at around 3am... I actually wanted to post or just surf for a bit and nothing... Also, when I checked at 5am, because I was still up, pages still wouldn't load. I am wondering if maybe they turn it off after a certain point at night, but it IS supposed to be "always on" (so much for that).

I had a gadget moment this morning.... There is an old tablet that I have. It uses a compact flash card as its hard drive... It's an interesting piece of hardware.... (Tatung TX-2000) I believe it could be used in medical facilities because it is fanless (& thus wouldn't spread allergens)....

Long story short, I might open it up and take a look around inside there. I am curious to know if the memory is upgradeable and just to see what I can see.... but I need to clear off the table 1st in order to do that.... Now, I've got extra inspiration! :lol:

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:14 am

(((((((((((((((((((( crystalgaze ))))))))))))))))))))

Brave soul you are, good luck, let us know how it goes.


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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:59 pm

~lol~ Warmie, thanks!! I did manage to open it up and was mighty surprised. 1st, I didn't break anything. (Phew!) 2nd, I hope I remember where all the screws go!! :lol:

I did manage to find the memory slot.... It was on the back of the green thing (the motherboard). I was pretty puzzled when I opened it up and didn't see it.... "It has to be here somewhere..." I said....

Well, I just hope the tablet works when I put it back together. (It can be easy to fry a piece of computer equipment.... I did use a grounding wrist strap, so it should be okay, but I am a bit worried about the screwdriver I used... There's really no sense worrying about it now. :lol: )

For once, I actually didn't get too nervous and my palms weren't too sweaty.... It was absolutely amazing. I can't believe I actually disassembled it (and without a manual too)!! :shock:

When I get the memory I ordered and thankfully, it wasn't too expensive, it will go from 256mb to 1gb (1000/1024mb or so). I'm just curious to see if it will work.... :oops:

It's been a long time, since I really enjoyed anything and was excited/motivated about anything....


Mac Related

I am trying out web browsers on Mac. Besides Safari, I have Opera, Camino and SRWare Iron on the computer (for testing). I may very well have to ditch Firefox for a bit because the system crash that I get while using it is really getting annoying.

Something isn't handled well in the web browser or in Mac itself, but I have run out of patience. I would like to surf the net in peace. If I have four tabs open, the computer crashes. I've even seen it crash with JUST ONE tab open. :roll:

The strangest thing is that Camino doesn't seem to be giving the problem. (It's based on the same engine as Firefox.)

Where Gadgeting Comes From For Me....

Well, I was usually very afraid of computer/electronic related technology. Why? I don't really have a clue. It just seemed hard, and sometimes I didn't understand it well. I still don't think I understand it well, but I try a hands-on approach with it, so I can get used being around all those parts.

I would like to build my own computer 1 day, but that will be hard to do, if I'm not comfortable with the materials. All of this helps me to know what I am doing, so I will simply see building a computer as putting together the pieces of a puzzle. I did hear that it wasn't very hard but hard is.... relative.

Okay... I'm done.... :lol:

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:03 pm

((((((((((((((((( crystalgaze )))))))))))))))))))

Do you know how amazing you truly are?? I had trouble just getting things back up to what I had, and that was with someone else working on computer and another guiding me through things.

/me...wants to know all you know. LOL


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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:54 am

Oh yaaa... I forgot!!! Up till about today, there was no service on my Sprint cellphone. It was for a few days or so....

It was spooky!! :shock:

I'm so glad I'm not too hung up on a cellphone!! Thank heavens!! I felt so bad for the people who had gotten rid of their landline phones.... I will definitely make sure to have a regular phone, wherever I am....


(((((((((((((( Warmie )))))))))))))))))))))) Thanks!!! I think I try to be a little with it, so that people aren't able to scam me easily.... Or to pay through my nose for something that I can do myself with just a bit of reading up on the topic (Googling).... It's sort of like how doing home repairs are. We are in an age where it is not cool to be helpless or not very knowledgeable because you risk ending up being taken advantage of.

For example, there is a commercial I've seen on TV for a site that deals with computer viruses and such, where it talks about being able to speed up a slow computer (and that the slowness MIGHT be due to a virus). They do use the word MIGHT in there, but if you do maintain your system (Windows or whatever), then that may very well just be baloney as well.

If a computer's hardware (actual equipment) is not fast, then it can't really be sped up in the 1st place. In other words, don't expect your old computer you bought in 2003 to be fast for today's applications in 2010. (It can still be used probably, but it won't be blazing fast.)

I try to encourage my parents with not being intimidated by it.... Some hospitals are now sending emails with attachments including instructions on how to prepare for procedures. I've also seen some places where you can confirm your appointment online or get notifications about changes to your appointment + information about the status of your account (which insurance paid what), etc.

They are at least hearing me out a little better with it. Sometimes they hear internet stories and can at least think to themselves, "Perhaps, I should be careful with this Internet thing."

I can at least feel that I haven't been flapping my mouth in vain! :lol:

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:59 am

((((((((((((( Crystal ))))))))))))))

Hon, you aren't "flapping my mouth in vain!" as you said. You know you do type lots of interesting, helpful and knowledgeable posts. Thank you for doing that.

LOL I have a cell phone, that I never really use. I carry it with me for those 'just in cause' moments. At least that keeps the bill down to minimum.

Computers are strange creatures to me. I know what I know and that is it. My computer has been around for a long time and the problems I just had was the first. Thank goodness I have a friend that knows what he is doing and took care of things. Perhaps in the future I need to purchase a new one, not decided yet.

Just the same, I wanted to thank you for all you post. I do look forward to reading. (((((((((((((((((( Cyrstal )))))))))))))))).


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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:53 am

:) ((((((((((((((((((( Warmie ))))))))))))))))))))))

Well, I did do some tech-ing the other day. I tried out Linux Mint (Fluxbox Edition) and liked it a lot, so I have it on the computer as my backup system and on my parents' own.

Linux Mint is an Ubuntu variant/derivative. Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution. Linux is an operating system for your computer (like Windows XP, etc. and Mac OSX). Fluxbox is a sort of desktop environment/window or file system manager. That's my limited understanding of it....

I chose Linux Mint because I know a little about Ubuntu & how to use it. Mint feels "light" to me & the best part of all is that it looks ok/decent on the old desktop computer and on my netbook. It doesn't seem to be too taxing on the equipment as well.

I may have very well found a Linux that I wouldn't mind using. :)


As for the tablet I took apart like 3x total (& there will be a 4th time), it does power on, but I think I messed up the screen. I'm not exactly sure of what I did wrong. I'll see if I find some tips or a guide for handling an LCD laptop/tablet screen. :)

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:59 am

I may be tekking in the rain today.... :lol: I changed out the battery in my Mom's DS Lite to see if it will work well. She was saying that it was discharging very quickly....

It's a little strange to me, but it just might work..... The instructions for the new 3rd party battery is that it should be charged 12 hours before 1st use. However, the light already came off, after just 1 hour.... I'm a bit puzzled.

I just unscrewed the door again to check I installed it properly.... (By the way, I used a 1.4mm screwdriver, so as to remove the screw without damaging it. The screwdriver 'tool' that came with the battery was too big for the screw. I'm glad I wasn't relying on it entirely to remove the battery cover door. :roll: Hopefully, I won't have to replace my Mom's DS Lite because the battery messes up the console. I'll cross my fingers.)


The replacement LCD came today.... I'm sort of excited to see if it will work.... (I'm hoping it does.... I got a replacement tablet as well, in the event that it doesn't work. There are some other things I wanted to test. I may very well try out Ubuntu tablet edition when/if it launches to see what that particularly title offers.)

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:06 pm

Well.... This is not that technical per se, but I think I finally managed to figure out how to use this wine bottle cork screw opener. It stumped us all for a while. No real instruction came with it.

A while back, a family friend gave us this bottle opener. My Dad was about to throw it away because we'd all looked at the thing numerous times over the past year or so & just couldn't figure out what to do with it.

& today, I think I got it. :D (Man, that was a long time for a bottle opener!!)

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Postby Jaymn » Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:54 am

Too much to process... :wink:

I have a few question for you crystalgaze if you don't mind answering them.
What could have caused a desktop comp to completely shut down. It just all of the sudden, one day, wouldn't turn on. Also, what could I do to get the memory from it or have I pretty much lost it all?
Another thing is, I have a High Speed Internet from Verizon(DSL Modem) and it goes out every time it thunders. :? This is really, really weird. Do you know why?
Finally, if you look up all of your websites through search engines does that protect you from viruses and other stuff to a degree? I noticed you mentioned that in your first post.
I don't know about any of this and I'm just wondering if you do. lol

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:23 am

1.What could have caused a desktop comp to completely shut down. It just all of the sudden, one day, wouldn't turn on.

***Well, the 1st things that come to mind is maybe a power issue, virus/malware, hard drive died or something got fried. The best way to find out is to take it to a friend or a shop to see what they say is the problem.

Whatever is wrong may be replaceable/fixable.

What were you/your friend doing when it last turned on? What happened?

2. Also, what could I do to get the memory from it or have I pretty much lost it all?

***If you're talking about memory, you could open it & take it out. If you mean like rescuing your files, the best thing may be to take it into a shop to see if they can recover them.

There are programs you could use, but the hard drive would need to have power in order for them to be used. (Which means you'd probably have to take it out & put it in a working desktop or external hard drive enclosure & then use the program.)

The best thing would be to take it into a shop or send it to a place that specializes in data recovery.

3. Another thing is, I have a High Speed Internet from Verizon(DSL Modem) and it goes out every time it thunders. Confused This is really, really weird. Do you know why?

***I'm not sure. I think maybe what you could do is call Verizon, file a support ticket & ask them to come check it, just to make sure nothing is damaged. Is there an antenna outside where you are? Maybe the signal is getting disrupted, but it should be able to withstand some thunder.... (& even lightning)

How is it plugged up? Is it and your computer on a surge protector?

4. Finally, if you look up all of your websites through search engines does that protect you from viruses and other stuff to a degree?

***Using a search engine doesn't usually give you a virus, unless it's been attacked or something or it's just not reputable. It's when you click on the link to take you from the search engine results to the site. You can run into problems when you go to a site directly.

There is a search engine called Startpage. or

When you do a search on Startpage, there is a word usually under each result called "Proxy". If you use something like that, then that's a way of reducing stuff getting on your computer.

The other ways are to have antivirus software, free or paid, especially if it's Windows & some anti-malware/anti-spyware programs that you use to scan your computer. :)

I hope this helped! If you have more questions, feel free to ask. :) I'm not an expert, but I'll do my best to assist!

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