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Introductions and welcomes.

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Hi there

Postby kessy77 » Tue May 18, 2010 4:04 am

Hi everyone. New here and hoping it will help. I have an appointment with my doctor later this week, had a chat with him by phone yesterday and finally admitted Ive been suffering for the past 6 months at least and have had periods of depression since my teens. Usaully I have been able to get on with things but recently I cant and things dont seem to be getting any better so I realised I needed help. Dont know where to turn or what to do to be honest.
I have gradually reduced in confidence the past few years and my partner, son and I moved from my hometown last year. While they have both settled in well to our new town - I havent made any friends, I have a job I despise (there isnt many jobs to choose from) and my parents, who I'm close to and live nearby, are moving abroad in a couple months, I'm an only child and my son is their only Grandchild. Also we had issues with our relationship which is why we moved to make a fresh start and everything was fine, we got married a month ago, but I found out he had been having a relationship with another girl right up until the morning of the wedding (although he says it was innocent) after a year of showing me and proving he could be trusted. I feel totally alone and isolated and let down.
Just saying all this is helping tho I think.............................

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Postby xn728 » Tue May 18, 2010 5:22 am

hey kessy ,,nice to see you here ,,im sorry to hear about the realationship issues ,,i wont comment on that ,,i am a man ,,and i may not say the right thing ,,altough it does sound like your trying to get on with things ,,,ok there are many here who have suffered simaler problems to yourself ,,we do understand how you feel ,,so i hope when you settle in here you wont feel so lonely ,,we are kind and caring people ,,and we will give you all the support we can ,,,while you make yourself at home ,,have a look around ,,im sure you will see many of others peoples posts you can connect with ,,,i hope you find what your looking for my new freind ,,if you should stumble on this dark road we travel ,,reach out and we/i will catch your fall ,,,,hugs (((((kessy77))))))lots of love xn728 ,,,ken ,,,WELCOME HOME ,,you will soon make many new freinds im sure xxx

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Postby Wonder » Wed May 19, 2010 12:46 am

Hi Kessy

I am pretty new here myself and have found this a very good place to be. Everyone is very supportive on the forums and the chatroom can be very helpful too. I'm glad you going to be getting counseling as it seems you are in a very lonely place. I understand how that feels. Hang in there, because there is hope and things can get better.



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Postby Peep212 » Fri May 21, 2010 1:54 pm

awww kessy, hugs. you still get the last laugh tho; he will eventually break up with his boyfriend, while you will find someone that deserves you and your love. hugs

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