My story my kids my struggle

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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My story my kids my struggle

Postby TaylorandIzzyBoo2 » Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:40 am

So i found this site and thought it might be nice to talk to other people that feel the same way i do ive been going thru alot in the past 4or 5 years fighting for my kids ( still doing that ) left an abusive relationship wen my 5yr old was just 1 and am still with the amazing man thats been helping me through it and we have a beautiful 2yr old trying to get her as well. If you read this then you know noone understands unless they been there we have been homeless for almost 2yrs kinda just going where we can thought we might be able to get the kids by now last tax season we did the responsible thing got a car and put a down payment rent to own and well my aunt didn't tell me she didnt pay the taxes for 2yrs before we even moved in and it got bought out from under us ...... Thought i was gonna die from heartbreak my husband had lost his job b4 that then the car then my job we just recently got a temporary home thanks to his uncle till we get on our feet hes had this job for about 2 months and i just started on so whoop whoop.... I just been missing them alot.. Ive missed alot 5yr old kills me asking to come home and she cant ... She loves her mom before they took her for no reason and yea everyone thinks they have no reason to take their kids but i took care of my daughter on my own at 18 working school everything bc her dad wouldnt it just kills me that they can just take what i gave up my life for just bc i live different (not like trash i just dont got money to be living on 280/mt brook that crap) i keep hearing its gonna get better but ....

Łost Søuł
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Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:13 pm

Re: My story my kids my struggle

Postby Łost Søuł » Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:30 pm

Hey I cannot relate to anything you're going through but I feel for you. I have had personal struggles these past few years. Goes to the point where I don't feel "deserving" of a my life. And how can I even call it mine when I don't own it. I start to think life is just that, nothing more than a random course of events that just happened to create atoms that then created planets then us and so on. Other times I accept this reality and just understand when I overthink and contemplate life I pause and think its pointless if I am doing the right or wrong things. If I die then someone else will be created and life goes on. I believe you have people that seem very important to you and hold a very special place in your heart. You have a clear light within all the darkness life has to offer. You should fight for it, I think you're doing great. If you don't the darkness may consume you. Keep going for your light and give them some of it because they too will go through dark moments in life and will need a guide to lead them to their light.

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