My feelings on the hypocritical oppresion within society and everyone's obliviousness to it

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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My feelings on the hypocritical oppresion within society and everyone's obliviousness to it

Postby D2811 » Wed May 08, 2019 9:11 pm

So I have lived with depression for god knows how long and the world obviously doesn't help with it, I live in the UK so that probably explains a lot of it in terms of people who live here, environment etc. But recently, I can't help but notice the incredibly romanticised subject of white male hating. I myself am a white guy, so if that already puts you off reading this topic merely because i'm a white guy talking about how we are now hated in society and will grow to be hated more, than please leave the topic without posting any rude comments. Anyway, in life i find i have no purpose naturally, it's just a long winded journey with nothing that really makes it anything more than bland and detestable, so now, when I realise that the world is becoming even worse and hypocritical, i can't help but continue to wish i'm not in it; I'm not saying i am going to do anything to remove me from this world so don't worry about it (for you kind hearted beautiful people who care), I'm just explaining how much i wish I wasn't in THIS world, perhaps a better one where people weren't so hateful. Speaking of which, yesterday i found out on a news article, that a 9 year old had commited suicide, a 9 YEAR OLD, which is already horrific enough, for a child so young to commit such a self-aware and destructive act on themself, but the real kicker is, it was because he was being bullied for being white (and presumably him being male too is a part of that I'll explain later on why), so one act of bullying consisted of an asian child holding a plastic knife up to him and stating "next time it will be a real one"; this to me is insane, it wasn't even the asian child's fault, it was media's fault. The media recently has a lot of propoganda stating that white males are meant to be hated and are essentialy evil to their core, so when young, innocent, vulnerable children find themselves in the midst of this media, it crafts them to become hateful towards white males as it seems like the "Normal thing" for them. Now onto how this will affect white boys... I truly pity these children as they are going to grow up in a world where they feel like they don't belong, where they will convince themselves that they are the evil, perverted vision that society has dictated to them throughout their life.

As a guy who just wants to be happy in life, who just understands that there are such easy routes for everyone to be happy with each other, I find myself falling back deeper and deeper into the pit of depression and lacking the passion to live, this is of course because of many things other than this current case, but this social terrorising of white males has opened my eyes to what little future i will have. People are being fired or not being hired due to simply being a white male, kids are being bullied for it too, and society welcomes this hatred with open arms and promotes it as good behaviour. The hypocrisy of the world is something i see every single day, Everyone is a hypocrit including me, there's nothing you can say to prove that statement wrong, humans are hypocrits by nature, we focus on emotions more than logic, and emotions effect us more than facts, the worst part is, almost nobody will try to fix that, we will continue going down this hate-fueled slope to a world where suicide rates and depression rates just skyrocket higher and higher. And here i am, along with you all, stuck in the middle of it. And we can't even do anything about it. Action begets change, not words or texts or posts or anything. Even in that statement i'm a hypocrit for saying posts don't matter even though i make this whole topic post. In realising the inevitable chain and loop of hatred, violence, and lack of love in our world and it's future, I struggle to find myself ever consistently happy in any shape or form, it's rare that i'm happy at all and even when i am, I have that feeling where i wish i wasn't here. Thank you for reading this, I just want to know if any other people out there "white male" or not, can agree with what i am saying here, that it would be better if we all just got along as "people" instead of "white male" and "the rest of the world".

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Re: My feelings on the hypocritical oppresion within society and everyone's obliviousness to it

Postby derkderk » Thu May 09, 2019 8:27 pm

I too have thoughts on how society is morally selfish and insensitive to say the least. After following those thoughts to where they ceased to be significant I came to understand why I felt so strongly about the subject in the first place. The pains I feel are bad enough without the expected civil unrest (December 2015), but hearing of what angers are resulting in forces me to stop analyzing. I just conclude that humans are just a complex bunch of cells that work together to guarantee our survival by any means necessary. Philosophy has no useful place in life. It only improves decisions and bonding with others. It seems to be the centuries of DNA coding formed while humans and animals see life as kill or be killed, there is no room for ensuring other's well being.

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