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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:06 pm


Good luck to you with the dental issue Amy.

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Postby aim » Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:35 pm

Hey A - swallowing it is the only conclusion that I can come up with at this point! My question is... how in God's name could I have swallowed something that big - it was a molar - and not know it! Strange...

Yes, I am sticking with this dentist as I am definitely not financially stable enough to add dental bills to my monthly bills. Superglue, huh? Wow... never thought of that one!

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Postby Aurelia5 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:12 pm

Sometimes you'll hear people freak out at the size of a vitamin pill and declair that they can't swallow it. Which is understandable, since by themselves they look huge. But what they don't realize is that its not all that big. Think of the times you're rushed for lunch or you're really hungry and take a huge bite of a hamberget or some equally wonderful food and you're in a big hurry, so you just wolf it down. The molar is much smaller than that. Have you had any food dreams, where you are starving and get to eat and you just go hog wild and eat everything in sight?

And then there's the price of the crown. It's too late now, but what if you realized you had swallowed it the night before. And then the next
morning . . . I wonder if it's worth the 900.00 to reach in . . . you get my drift. I don't think I could do it. Not even for 900.00. I'd have to talk some guy into it. Guys are good at doing gross things.

When I was in second grade, when we were in the cafeteria we would load up our spoons with things that flew really well, like peas. Then we'd shoot either each other, or the teachers up at the front of the room. So one time somebody was about to shoot me and I ducked and hit my front tooth on the edge of the table. A minute or so later I realized it had broken off; I felt it with my tongue and the nerve was exposed, so it hurt like hell, but the first thing that came to my mind was glueing it back in. So I looked on the floor and there it was, but it couldn't be glued back in. Since I was so young I could only have a temporary crown, and before that I needed a REALLY temporary one until the other one was ready. So they gave me a silver one. So here's this little blonde second grader running around with a silver tooth. Beautiful class pictures.

And then I got the white one, but it was always coming loose - I wasn't into protecting it - and one time when I was blowing bubbles with about eight pieces of bubble gum, I blew a huge bubble, and there, out on the end of the bubble, was my tooth!!

Ah, the wonders of childhood.

Hope you find it under the bed or somewhere.


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Universal Medicare

Postby Monty » Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:34 pm

Hi everyone,

Thanks to all of you for your interest in my situation. Even in my real life I don't often tell people what is going on, more than happy to hear of others stories, but most of my stuff, I keep to myself.

a5, after I spent the afternoon at the hospital, it was through all the tests that they did is why they are pretty sure that it had nothing to do with my heart. They did determine that it wasn't my heart, but when I left they weren't any the wiser as to why I was having all those symptoms.

I am glad to read that Brad is doing better. I am sure that it must take a huge load off of your mind, to not see him suffering so much. You mentioned that it was the difference between night and day. It is good to have some things, go right once in a while, isn't it.

I am very fortunate that I live in a country that has universal medicare. It does sometimes make for long waits, people will go out of the country if they need surgery right away, or in some cases go out just to get more prompt attention being made to cancer. It is very embarrassing for us that the Chalk River reactor has been shut down, thus depriving a good portion of the world (we supply lots of countries) of medical isotopes for the tracking of cancer. A black mark on our history.

Now that I have finished my rant on medical isotopes I will go back to the reason that I am fortunate to have medicare. I don't know how many times I have been to the doctor over the past month, and I haven't had to pay a dime., I am also covered under my kid's dad's health plan so get a deal on my drugs.

I have been very sick lately. I got the sad news today that they think that my diabetes is out of control (they figure that is why I am getting so many boils, more erupted this weekend) so that I might have to go off the pills and onto the needle for my insulin. I am not very happy with that prospect, especially since my sugars seem to have been under control for more than a year now. In April I had my last fast-blood sugar test and the results were good.

Am not sure if the doctor just wanted to get rid of me and send me onto someone else (diabetes specialist) because I am not sure if there is something else wrong with me. I guess I will just wait for this woman to phone me and will get the scoop with her.

As I said earlier I have been to the doctor many times over the past couple of times. If I had to pay out of pocket, well I just wouldnt have been able to get these concerns taken care of. My pharmacist said this morning, that if I get a script from my doctor, that the strips for my diabetic monitor will be covered by my insurance. At least then I could start checking my sugars more often. At a dollar a test I found that it was just too expensive for my, not so deep, pockets to absorb.

Have gone on longer that I intended. Hope that all is going well for everyone. Missed you over the weekend.

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Postby Monty » Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:36 pm

BTW I meant to mention that I could probably get my dental work done, virtually for free because my son-in-law is a dentist. My father-in-law really took advantage of the fact that the man, married to his neice, was a dentist and got virtually free dental care.

Wouldnt want David to think that I was using him.

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Postby aim » Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:05 pm

Great childhood story here! When I was about 10, I was hiding a penny from my younger sister... in my mouth. She patted me HARD on the back, and I swallowed it. My mother called Poison Control, while I sobbed in the background, as she said the words, "stomach pumped?" Turned out though, the one who really suffered was my mother. She had to check my, um... deposits until she found the penny. Gross, yes. What a parent will do for their child? Can you find a better example!

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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:17 pm

Hi Monty~

Your post today has me worried. I know very little about diabetes, so I just looked it up in the Merck Manual. Is it d. mellitus, or which type do you have? It was very distressing. Your symptoms indicate that you are pretty far along with the disease, is that about right? There are treatments out there for you, right? I mean it can be managed, right? Did the doc say why the sudden change? How did it get out of control? Doctors make me mad the way they are so bloody obvious about getting you out of their offices as fast as they can, after making you wait for 45 minutes and billing you 200 bucks. Oh, and being rude, too. Don’t get me started. Sh--, I’m already started! I’ve had enough coffee today to make me want to park my truck on one of their feet and leave it there overnight. I don’t know if it’s the fact that this is, per capita, a very rich little town, or there are not many specialists, but a lot of the doctors in Santa Fe are just phenomenally rude. I’ve hear some stories, unfortunately too late, about some of the doctors I’ve had to see, and, like everybody in Santa Fe does, and always did, I just drive the 60 minutes down to Albuquerque to a pleasant, relaxed, inexpensive, and compassionate doctor.

But I am so, so sad for you. To have such a huge disease on top of huge depression is just too awful. My most sincere sympathy is for you. And a long hug, too. Actually, with Brad, we can have a group hug. He gives the best hugs in the world. He hugged one of my friends recently, and she started crying, it was so nice. Happens to me, too.

Brad thanks your for your kind words and sends a happy, smiling, big hello! The Fentanyl patch is just great. I ask him how he feels now, and he says “GREAT! “ You are right, it is such a relief for me. He also sends best wishes, I tell him about your letters and he asks about you. He’s happy for me to have such nice friends to write to.

Speaking of that, have you heard from Ken? I miss him. Glad we still have Amy, though.

Why did they shut down that reactor? Can it, like so many other horrible things, be blamed on our ex-president, or is it some other reason?

We are having a problem getting our Cymbalta 60mg. The insurance won’t pay for Brad’s until he tries all the other ones first, which is absurd, and our wonderful pill doc won’t put him through that, and the manufacturer won’t give them to him free, since our income level is in the double digits, because he has insurance. Familiar with the term Catch 22? So we need to send our script to a pharmacy up there. Do you know of maybe a chain, like Sam’s Club, or Wal Mart, or some inexpensive place like that that we may contact?

What we do when we need the help of a friend or family member who is helping us for free, is to trade. I make jewelry, and Brad is a professional picture framer. Maybe there is some special thing that you can give him so that neither of you feels uncomfortable about the money. Or a good bottle of wine, or some special food you know he likes. Trades are a good thing.

Time for me to go. We have a really nice friend that is helping us out financially and he was more than happy to send us some money, so we don’t have to worry about rent for the next few months until that big job Brad is working on is finished. And there might be another one after that, that he can do, now that most of his pain is gone. He gets a lot of calls, but he just doesn’t have the strength to do them, so he just does the most profitable ones. Like I said, this is one rich little town. We are feeling much more relaxed and out of fear, now. I was too depressed to even get out of bed for three days. It was awful.

Keep me posted, day by day, or rather whenever you want, how your treatment is working and what the doctors are doing. Why does this horrible crap have to hit such nice people?

Big hug from both of us,
A5, and hubby.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:27 pm


I swear I'm hitting the keys to forward my letter only twice! Why does it keep doing this? What am I doing wrong, and how can I delete them so you're not bothered with it? My hands shake like someone with Parkinsons, and it is very hard for me to get the keys down precisely at the same time, and this time I hit them, then waited for 2-3 minutes, nothing happened, so I tried again. What in HE-- am I doing wrong?????????????
I'm really sorry to bug you. I hate this more than you do.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:55 pm

(((((((((((((((( A5))))))))))))))))))))))

I don't mind helping.

First when you copy, you hit enter, just wait on it. Sometimes it takes a little while to get it done. Yes, waiting on it can be maddening :)

Now when you are reading what you have posted, if you look in the upper right hand corner of your post you will see the button "Edit".

You click on that and you will be given the screen, where you type, and the actual post will be there.

Highlight anything you want to delete, only.

Then right click, pick delete and that should get it correct in the way you want. It will delete the part that you highlighted, the part you want changed or taken out.

Then all you need to do is hit 'submit' again and you will have corrected your post.

Hope I have made this easy instructions for you.


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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:16 pm


Thank you for the hug. I was getting paranoid thinking I was such a pain in the butt, you'd yank me off the forum.

At least now I'm not losing letters.

Thank you again.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:37 pm

(((((((((((((((( A5 ))))))))))))))))))

Why would I ever 'yank you off the forum'? You are not a 'pain in the butt' and hopefully you don't think me a horrible person.

Will help in any way i can. Please continue posting and if there is something I can help with, I will.

Thank you for posting as you do, please keep it up. I do read.


P.S. So glad you are not losing letter now :)

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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:55 pm


Depression opens a huge door to fragile thought. I can't escape it. Thanks for your patience.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:05 am

(((((((((((((((((( A5 )))))))))))))))))))))

Just a special hug, for a special person.


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Postby Monty » Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:19 am

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

I have type 2 diabetes. I was doing very poorly when I was first diagnosed. I dropped about 60 pounds and the diabetes was much easier to manage.

The last few times that I have gone to the doctor he has wondered about the possibility of needing to go on insulin. It is because I am having so many infections. I never used to get sick, everyone around me would, but I would miss it.

This winter it seems like I have gotten every virus that has been going around. I don't know how many sore throats that I have. Anytime I went to the doctor, he had no explanations on why I was feeling so crappy. All the tests turned out well.

I am wondering if all of this stems from the fact that I have not been sleeping well, and that my personal life could be a story from hell. A lot of pressure on me.

Since I started the Trazadone I have been sleeping better. What I didn't do, was stop the other meds that I was taking for sleep, after he added the new stuff. He never told me to stop and I never thought to ask. Now I am taking 5 different drugs to help me sleep. At least I am getting more rest now.

If I could just get these boils under control. It was suggested that I just go right to the gynecologist on my own. When I had the problem a couple of months ago she said that I could come back to her. I am wondering if maybe tomorrow morning I will give her a call. Not wait to see if the antibiotics solve the problem. It is very uncomfortable to sit down, or espcially walk. I don't want the problem to get too far out of control.

Well I guess that I had better head off to bed for the night.

Think of all of you, often.

Sleep well.

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Postby aim » Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:07 pm

Monty girl... I've learned that when it comes to any type of skin problem, a dermatologist is always the best bet. And, in my opinion, dermatologists are often the absolute smartest of all doctors... maybe that's just my experience, but I think you should definitely take your skin issue to a dermatologist.

Good luck with all of that other stuff girl! And KUDOS on losing 60 pounds - how did you do it?

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