Is it me?

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Is it me?

Postby Jstavrage017 » Mon May 08, 2017 6:02 pm

HI I FINALLY THOUGHT I'd express my though and I just want to know if it's me being stupid.ok so it's been for past two years now I've been feeling that every one is getting on with their life's and I'm stuck in and seem to be fading away. and I find my self turning bitter toward people especially my sister who my mum idialises her as if she was the queen. Which doesn't help the situation and I have told her my thoughts on this and I'm trying to be happy for her as she's getting married.but I have had relationships. but I think I'm going to old by my self bitter and twisted I do try and have a smile on my face every day but not long after the day has begun the smile vanishes and find bottling my self up and just disappear with my thoughts and feelings.

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Re: Is it me?

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Tue May 09, 2017 3:59 pm

Hi there, I know exactly how you feel.

Everyday I'm surrounded by people who seem to be doing better or getting on and know what they want. I understand that I'm going work and doing something with my life but it don't seem enough and I always put it down to my ability.

I don't know if you feel the same. I also get jealous easily and wound up on things I can't do easily. I just wish I was more capable doing things. What is it your mum treasures about your sister? Is it the case she's her favourite or just spoilt by her? I know that too well too.

What someone told me was to look at the good things you done and anything in your life what you achieved. Sometimes you get stuck in thinking bad of yourself. Easy said then done but in time it works if you practice and not let others get to you and not to care about what others think.

If your shy like me you may benefit developing your self confidence and self esteem if that's a real big deal to you. They usually have these sort of classes in college or training organisations.

Also self help books might help you too. I was reading one and it made me think different but thought do invest in more to get the right one for me.

I hope that helps any please keep reaching out.

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Re: Is it me?

Postby Jstavrage017 » Thu May 11, 2017 6:28 am

Thank you for your reply I don't know why my mum spoilles her so much and I do get wound up with stuff I can't do due to work. But I also find myself struggling with some relationships but I think with a little work I could deal with it

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Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 2:11 pm

Re: Is it me?

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Fri May 12, 2017 2:56 am

That's good to hear. You just need someone there to help. Have you got a friend? Could they give you advice on this? You said relationships is that in general with people?

I hope things get better for you and please let me know how it goes.

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