Choose the path to follow.

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Choose the path to follow.

Postby CitM » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:27 am

What monster do you want to follow? There are plenty to choose from.

Do you want to choose a monster that thinks physical and mental anguish is needed to balance good deeds?
Maybe you want to choose a monster that requires the life of children?
How about the one that cares not at all about anyone else but themselves?
What about the ones that care only for money and power?
How about the one that hates?
How about the one that is all about controlling others as if they are play things?
What about the one that is all about chaos, anarchy, with nothing to replace it with?
What about the monster that wants people to live in despair?
What about the monster that wants everyone to be afraid?
What about the monster that is always jealous?

Realize that monsters are only as powerful as the number of people that follow them.

I choose love in all its forms, forgiveness, care, help and hope, faith, goodness, trust, honesty, and compassion. If you are good to your children, good to yourselves, and care about others in a real way, you WILL have a better future, no matter what.

And when someone displays patience, determination, honesty, faithfulness, and does good things, even if they are struggling because of the burdens they carry with the rest, they are worth helping toward a better life and a better world. People in pain, those who are tired, those who are against violence in all its forms, those that are for compassion, love, peace, friendship, understand that they are being burdened as well.

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