
Introductions and welcomes.

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Postby Monty » Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:38 am


Sorry that you are having a poor weekend. I know that you are physically alone, but we are all here for you. It is unfortunate that we can't all meet in person, but all of your posts are read. When things are going well for others, we all cheer. When things aren't going so well, we are here to lean on each other for support.

I haven't been feeling well lately. Both emotionally and now, physically. That is why I haven't been posting much.

I went to see my pdoc on Thursday, and he gave met, yet some other med to try to help me get some sleep. Of course with any new med, you might get some of the side affects. Unfortunately the one I have gotten this time is nausea. I feel sick as a dog for most of the day.

I did get out of bed this morning because I was supposed to take some friends out shopping. I know that I pushed myself too far, because I almost passed out when I got out of the car at one of our stops. I have never been one to complain too much, so I didn't say anything at the time though I probably should have.
It is about 11:30 my time, I have taken my pills and am somewhat worried how I will feel tomorrow. I have several obligations that I have to follow through on, I am just hoping that I don't woof my cookies.

It is an early start so I had better go off to bed. Better get some soda crackers, and leave them by the side of my bed, just in case.

Hopefully I will be feeling better by Monday. I am presently on the low dose of this new one, if my sleep doesn't improve after tonight I will have to up the dose.

Who knows how I will feel in the mornings, until my body gets used to the change.

Thinking of all of you, often.

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Postby aim » Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:57 pm

Bemused... I'm glad you know that you can come back to these forums for help and support - don't ever forget that, ok?

Please also know that what you are feeling is totally and 100% normal. You have been hurt and betrayed, and it takes time to get through that... but you WILL. Have faith in yourself - we are stronger than we think.

Also - the gym thing? OH PLEASE!!! If he was with you because of how you looked, then he was a superficial creep who is unworthy of the fabulous woman that you are. If you are simply looking for reasons that he left, you probably won't find them, hun. He left because he did not know what he had in you. He cheated because he is a coward. Plain and simple.

You will find love again, Bemused. Please do mourn this loss, and then, when you are ready, keep your heart wide open for a man who is worthy of you to come along. He will. Keep the faith, friend.

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Postby Monty » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:12 am


aim put things together better than I could in her note to you.

Ditto all her comments, from me.

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Postby aim » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:43 pm

(((((Monty girl))))) Love your words!!! :-) I really hope you are feeling better, friend... what's going on with that?

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Postby Monty » Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:59 pm


Hope that things are going better for you. I separated from the man that I was married to (for 27 years) a few years ago now.

It was for a lot of reasons, I didn't think that I would ever, even want to find a serious relationship again. After about a year and a half I found the person that I am having the first, really healthy relationship in my life. Hang in there, there is someone out there for you though I realize that you heart has been broken. We are all here to support you.

Thanks for your interest aim in my health difficulties. I started a new med and it is not agreeing with my system. I have been quite ill since Friday, though today I am feeling better. I am at least able to be in the same room where food is being cooked, which wasn't the case earlier in the week.

When to my family doctor this morning, and even though I stopped my blood pressure med (too high) about 3 weeks ago, my blood pressure is still very low. That was the reason that I spent the afternoon in the hospital about the middl of May.

Am supposed to try the new med for a month, in the hope that my body will adjust to it. Also am going to seeing my gp on a couple of weeks soi he can monitor the bp.

Hope all is going well with everyone. I have missed not being able to see what is happening on the forum, very often since Friday.

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Postby aim » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:58 pm

Wow, Monty. 27 years is a long time to spend with the wrong person - and I thought I was pretty bad at 6 with the wrong guy! I too am in a healthy relationship with a man who loves me as much as I love him. It feels good to have that after so many years of unhappiness.

Glad you are feeling a bit better, Monty. You have been missed.

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Postby BemusedAngel » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:23 am

thank you all once again. Monty, I hope your health issues improve soon, I know that can be depressing in and of itself...

I know I deserve better than I was getting. I am certainly not ready for a relationship at this time, but I do know what I want now. I want to have friends to talk with and hang out with, who enjoy the time they spend with me. I had a wonderful time with a gentleman I met online, at a local tim hortons. We talked for 4 hours, and it totally flew by. That is the kind of person I want to spend time with. things are getting clearer now, I can concentrate more. I am going to college in January. I am going to move before that, and have my own place, and have it the way I want it. I don't have anything to prove to anyone, and I've made a commitment to myself not to compromise my principles for anyone. I have to do what is right for myself.

I truly do appreciate all the support here. You guys, and ladies are fantastic, and I hope that I will be able to be as supportive to others as you have been to me. Take care this weekend, and have a good one..

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Postby aim » Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:38 pm

Bemused! You sound so great!!! So sure of yourself, where you are going, and where you want to be. Good for you. :-)

What will you be studying in college? What is that you want to be when you are through? I'm speaking as someone who left school, then went back, and it took me 5 more years, going part-time at night to complete and get my degree, while I was working full-time during the day. I was 29. It's tough, but you can do it, and it it will be worth it in the end. Trust me!!

So great for you, Bemused. My suggestion is that you take this time to get to know and love yourself again. Make YOU the focus of your life. I did that after a break-up with an emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend, and I am all the better for it now. It took me time to find the right man for me, but I did, and I'm really happy about it.

Get to know the remarkable woman that you are... you deserve to know how wonderful you truly are.

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Postby Monty » Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:49 pm


You deserve all the good things in life that have passed you by so far.

Way to go team.

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