So miserable, I don't know where to turn or what to do

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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So miserable, I don't know where to turn or what to do

Postby Blue27 » Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:34 am

Hello all. Im new to this forum and havent been doing well lately. I just graduated college and these past few months have been a struggle but it's been getting worse every day..I feel like Im destroying myself and theres no hope for me. My depression (and anxiety) have been eating me alive. It's gotten to the point where I have to force myself to eat anything, including my old favorite foods. I get upset so easily and I dont know how my bf or friends deal with me. I feel like such a mess that they would be a lot better off without. I cant even describe how I feel, I am miserable all the time. Ive been on Wellbutrin and Buspar for a long time now but they dont help at all anymore. I smoke weed pretty often which helps only for a few hours. I feel like a waste of a life and I just dont know what to do. I cant pretend to be happy anymore, I feel like my personality is dead and I dont like talking things out with my close ones because I dont want to bother them or make them feel bad for me. I just want to be happy but it seems impossible :(

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Re: So miserable, I don't know where to turn or what to do

Postby defeated » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:06 am

Hey Blue,

Welcome to the forum :) It's good to have you here.

I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time, also it's the worst when meds are no longer working. Have you spoken to your doctor about that? They might be able to switch your meds up to find something that helps.

Also, have you considered seeking a counselor? Sometimes it's good to have someone to vent to, guilt-free that might have a different perspective since they are an outsider.

I hope you feel better soon <3

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Re: So miserable, I don't know where to turn or what to do

Postby Blue27 » Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:06 am

Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately I have recently gotten worse and will be leaving the country next week for a month. I'd really like to get a counselor or change my meds but with so little time left I don't think there is much I can do :(

The doctor I saw was while I was still a student, so now I can no longer see her and would have to get a new one. I'm not sure if they'd be willing to give me meds after the first session, though. I'm worried I won't have enough meds for the next month either..I recently got a refill and I don't think I can get another month's supply to last me while I'm gone.

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Re: So miserable, I don't know where to turn or what to do

Postby CitM » Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:25 pm

This happened to me too. I had a job, but between the economic downturn and my child needing me more at home, I quit, which probably was for the best at that time. I went into a downturn, in fact my entire family experienced something that I don't even know how to describe let alone talk about.

I went on SSRIs too, and they worked for the first month, and then, they quit suddenly. Finally, I started getting a clue as to what was going on when I started getting physically a lot weaker, and gaining weight even on 900 calories a day, and crying non-stop and feeling just ill. Yep.. thyroid. I had stormed and then tanked and the thyroid is a metabolism regulator without which, your cells cannot function.

Once I got on thyroid replacement medication, I was ok, well, better. But at least I could stop crying and begin the task of putting my mental health back together. Check to make sure that everything is fine physically. They can do a chem 28 test fairly easily and check all major organ function.

Another thing to do is to get out of the house, build up your resume through volunteerism. Not only do people get to know you and you them, you can get references for jobs. Try looking at stuff through county, community, church, colleges, etc.

Try learning a new skill, like music, or digital processing or sport etc. That also can help break the cycle.

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