Cicadas Sleep

Poetry, short stories, paintings, photography, songs – art of all genres.

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Cicadas Sleep

Postby Frame » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:30 am

When cicadas sleep
Perchance do they think dark thoughts
A seven year dream

One thing is constant
The world breaks upon my mind
A global torent

Turbulent chirping
Such important things to say
Meaningless questions

They know the meaning
They have been in dark places
Of nothing at all

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Postby 4EverMe » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:10 pm

VERY cool, Frame!
Interesting you wrote a poem about cicadas. When I lived in the South for a while as a kid, I remember hearing them late into the evening while playing outside. I actually liked the sound of them, and thought their exoskeletons looked really neat on the trees! Used to pick em up and stare at their elaborately veined wings, and at their dark, twinkling eyes. Their communication is fascinating too! (love the way you described it) Only 2-3 months ago, I googled Locusts online, because I wanted to know what they were called. Just want to say I appreciate the poem. :)

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Postby 4EverMe » Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:41 pm

Hey Frame,
This might make you chuckle but I had to come back and reread your cicada poem. :) I just now realized that each stanza you wrote are like the 5-7-5 syllable poems! Can't believe I didn't pick up on that the other day. But it's probably because I was too into what I was reading to notice! You know how little things we do can affect others in bigger ways than we'd think? Your poem...Silly to think that an intriguing poem about CICADAS could do that...

So, cicadas have latched onto my mind. In unison, they serenade me about a one particular evening I enjoyed as a kid. I mentioned it above, but while I tried to sleep last night, I meditated on this memory a bit longer. So sad to me that I'm 41 now, and times of innocence are too far gone. Dead. Only the memories ghosts that become harder and harder to glimpse. Don't get me wrong, Frame. Things have changed too much. But I'm grateful to have recalled a safer, more carefree time--A period of time when I didn't wish everyday I were dead).

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Postby Frame » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:14 pm

Yes, I thing that each can stand on it's own as a haiku (except the haiku form is supposed to have the hint of a season in it), I just wasn't done with the thread after the first one.

You know,...I should feel shocked about your last sentence, and want to say something constructive; but it would be dishonest, and I've been posting here long enough that you know how often I feel the same. So I have just this to say: Everyday I fight my way out of bed and drag my ass to work. So I expect the same from you. Because I care.
Last edited by Frame on Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Frame » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:15 pm

Oh, and Thank you; I kinda like this poem.

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Postby 4EverMe » Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:19 pm

All too often, I wind up going off on a tangent and I run out of space to write. Writing is something that's soothing to me, so go figure! (reading too)

My plan was to describe my first encounter w/a cicada. Usually, I'd only heard them; Seems it was mostly in the spring or summer months. One evening, my mother allowed my brother, sister and I to play outside until after the sun went down.Typically in summer, we played ALL day (with the exception of coming in to eat)! So, we were out on the front lawn, hearing cicadas buzzing in the trees around us. I still remember the breeze after it became cooler, how beautiful the golden rays of sunset looked pouring through the leaves. It was because of playing until the sun fell that I saw my first cicada. It had been camouflaged by the bark until the wind picked up. The sunlight dappled upon a tree trunk and landed on its wings. As a little girl, I thought they sparkled like diamonds! I took it to mom to ask why it wouldn't move, & found out it was its exo-skeleton.

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