Im standing on the edge

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Im standing on the edge

Postby QuercusRubra » Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:05 am

The only thing stopping me from giving up is the girl i love. I have loved her since we were kids. Recently, my feelings for her have only gotten stronger and she knows how i feel... at least i think she does. She goes from telling me she loves me, to saying she is embarrassed we had sex, and that she dosent care that i tried to kill myself. I stupidly believed there was still hope but i found out this morning that she has been dating again and the only times we talk is when i check in with her. I ask her "hows work?", "how are you doing?", "what have you been up to?". She replies but it feels forced and she doesn't show any interest in me or my life. She still means the world to me, i would give my life for her without hesitation, but i am losing strength. I dont know how long i can keep this up. Everyday it seems clearer that the easiest option for everyone would be if i wasn't around. I dont think i will ever feel the same for anyone and its killing me

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Re: Im standing on the edge

Postby useranonymous » Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:42 am

Please don't give up. I am married and know the commitments you have to make to eachother and I hope I don't sound insensitive or hurt your feelings but I really think you should not let her leave you hanging. She is completely messing with your head and I feel she is enjoying doing that. She is not worth your emotions, your time or energy. I'm so sorry to put it bluntly.

Before my husband met me he had split from his ex and lost his business and had debt collectors chasing him. He tried to kill himself 5 times before his mother admitted him into care. He said he turned things around by positive thinking and then a year later he met me. 12 years on we are still together

I'm a firm believer that things in life happen for a reason. I know it feels now you will never love anybody else the same but you will and whoever that lucky person is will love you back, because you deserve that. There will be love around the corner for you, it just may happen when you least expect it.

I don't know you but you are a special person in this world, everybody is significant. Don't give up hope and please try to move on from this woman that treats you like dirt xx

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Re: Im standing on the edge

Postby useranonymous » Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:12 am

Hey again

Just wanted to check your ok. Sorry if I sounded too blunt x

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Joined: Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:33 am

Re: Im standing on the edge

Postby QuercusRubra » Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:57 pm

useranonymous wrote:Hey again

Just wanted to check your ok. Sorry if I sounded too blunt x

Hi, dont worry, im not dead yet. Its been a rough year and im not out of it yet, but im getting better and managing my emotions and the suicidal thoughts are less intense. Thanks for your responses, i like hearing other people's stories.

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Re: Im standing on the edge

Postby useranonymous » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:00 pm

I'm so glad your ok and it's good to hear your working on it. I'm not perfect myself. The problemd I have with my myself seem worsened now I have a toddler who smacks me in the face and doesn't let me sleep hardly ever hence why I'm replying at 2 am l. She gives me a reason to get up now though despite being a madam and despite driving me potty with her tantrums. I had no idea being a mum was such hard work. She is a lovely little girl underneath it all. I hope you find happiness with someone special soon x

Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:11 pm

Re: Im standing on the edge

Postby useranonymous » Mon Sep 14, 2020 12:46 am

Hey. How are you? Just wondered how your getting on lately? :) Sorry I'm so nosey lol none of my business. Just as long as your doing ok :D x

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