I am Different and that's ok.

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I am Different and that's ok.

Postby CitM » Wed May 03, 2017 4:32 pm

Anyone who is a part of this forum is different, right? But I'm different in a different way. I'm like Mel on ghost whisperer, the character, not the actress. I am similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer too in that despite her being chosen and thus different from everyone else on the planet, she tries to maintain a 'normal' life. I am trying to live as 'normal' or useful to others as possible, raise children, help people along the way and use my knowledge of policy, culture, philosophies, planning and science to help those who might need some ideas. And I'm ALSO trying to help myself maintain training keeping my knowledge base up and after May 15, really start the full time task of finding a job to help my husband with a lot of debt.

I have to tell you that trying to maintain a 'normal' life when others (the recently departed and those living) try to take over my life as theirs, or ruin my life by saying things that I don't want to say, feeling things that I don't feel, trying to get me to believe in things that I don't believe and aging me faster than I should while robbing me of my health. They are just cruel. I understand that they are afraid. But, really it is THEIR insecurity and fear and doesn't have ANYTHING to do with reality or what I'm going to do or what I'm all about. They interfere with my religious beliefs, my daily tasks, my speech, my personality, my relationships, and even how I dress. For those that do that, SHAME on YOU!

It's not mental illness in my case it's affliction, (my mother has that right as she's suffered that herself). It is relentless attacks from people who are dead and living. They say that paranormal experiences can be demonstrated by time going forward and backward. This is really true. What bothers me, is what right do the living have to my talents, my body, my appearance, my work, and the skills I have gotten through lots of hard work and hours of studying and education. For example when I was eleven years old I was doing homework five hours a day. Ask my mother. She'll tell you that what I'm saying is TRUE. They have NO RIGHT to this. Talk to me, fine. Work with me, even better. Employ me and you'll have a loyal employee for a long time. Be with me, that's ok. But it's time for them to stop with the destruction of mine and God knows how many other lives over control issues. They need to keep their mitts OFF of my children, my husband, me, myself and I.

I do not take energy from them. If I need some, for whatever reasons, I take it from the energy grid, like the amount needed to power an LED string of Christmas lights. And not too frequently either. I've given more power than I've ever taken. You don't get anymore. Deal with who you ARE. Everyone can, through working for it, improve yourself and your lives and remember that God has granted you a life. So live it well.

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