What I Think

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What I Think

Postby nenkohai2 » Mon May 02, 2016 2:40 pm

I've been considering this subject for a while and it's something I believe, at least, for right now:

I believe depression is the net result of a given human's instinctual pre-civilization drives fighting the demands of modern society.

Society demands that we behave in ways our ancestors never did. We've had, what?, a million total years to develop survival instincts that we have not needed for the last 1000...

Paranoia was once a useful survival tactic 100's of thousands of years ago. Being skitish and anxiety-filled. Now, it's a mental health issue. We are forced into group-think and "boxes" of modern design that are in conflict with our pre-modern neurology.

We don't understand the what and why's of these drives; they are transparent to us. All that we know is how we feel: depressed and anxious.

It seems like we can not evolve fast enough. But it begs the question: are we evolving in the best direction? The optimist in me can see a far future where our minds and brains have finally worked it all out; where we have adapted-out the useless anxieties and thus depression.

Does that leave us in battle with ourselves mean time? I believe if we are willing to work at it, no. But we must work at it.[/b]

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Postby 100footpole » Wed May 04, 2016 11:57 am


I believe that modern neuro-science is actually creating boxes for us. In modern society all of a sudden we had methods for curing what ails us ... Mother's little helpers have fewer side affects than the patent medicines at the turn of the century. The patent medicines were in place because of new expectations. One of the expectations for modern life is that everyone is mostly happy. I think a lot of research has shown that there is a difference between content and the actual feeling of happy.

I believe the battle we have is for contentment, not that ecstatic state that the commercials lable happiness ...

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