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Owing the World

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 11:36 am
by nenkohai2
There are times were a really feel like I owe the entire world an apology. For.... what? I ask. For.... everything. For the things I did. Or didn't do. That hurt people that made them disappointed in me... that somehow left a mark on them. The man who I did not give a dollar to on the street. When I was a kid and I threw a rock at another kid. For being a burden as a guest in a friends house (or rather, FEELING like one);

Things I COULD have controlled. But made the wrong choice and it led to pain for that person.

I understand what this line of thinking is and where it can go. Empathy can sometimes be too much.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:38 pm
by CitM
When you are a child, reactions are immediate. When you are a child, consequences of actions are not immediately apparent. When you are a child, any rational adult would think twice about, especially in cars. When you are a child, things seem immediately a crisis and the future is non existent in your mindset. This is why suicide rates among teens and young twenties are higher than some other age groups like people in their 30s.

Depression can be caused by things you cannot change, and certainly focusing on those things you did as a child can be one of those traps. Please put it in perspective that you have learned a lot, and come far and wouldn't do those things again, which means, you're a better person.