Here we go again...

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Here we go again...

Postby Luckky_Starr » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:58 am

Another one bites the dust… no warning, no text message, in fact, he ignored my text message. So please tell me… what makes her better than me? Oh, never mind, I can see it… she’s skinner than me, prettier than me, and probably makes you laugh more than I did… The third guy IN FIVE MONTHS. I would appreciate a text message at least, “Sorry, I’m just not interested… maybe we could be friends.” I would be less hurt. Rather than completely acting like I never existed, meanwhile you’re posting pictures of you with your new chick. “Oh she’s so beautiful.” “I have the best girlfriend ever.” JUST STOP!!! It hurts and you have no idea.. and you won’t answer my efforts to tell you how much it hurts. You’ll never know how much it truly hurts to know that once again, I wasn’t good enough, and I have no idea why… But it’s whatever. I hope you’re happy with her… I hope SHE’S good enough… I hope she can give you what you thought I couldn’t…Meanwhile I’ll just sit here and be ignored by guy after guy. Three in just five months. THREE!!! Jesus Christ for once can I just get a guy who will tell me like it is. Who will tell me he’s not interested without being rude about it. Who won’t just stop texting me one day out of the blue and leave me wondering what I did wrong. Someone who can love me for me, and accept me with all my baggage in hand. I’m DONE!!! I can’t take it anymore.

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